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  1. id mail it to you and even pay you! I'm not familiar with programming and it could be my fault.
  2. i bounced it off a few other rigs i have such as cb and others, the sdr reads right on those frequency so i guess it needs a retune. Its off by as much as 1 mhz or more.
  3. wondering if anyone can help, ive programmed my TK-880 with the correct frequency, but on my sdr it says its broadcasting on a different frequency. ive double checked and programmed it correctly. any ideas why its not broadcasting on the correct frequency?
  4. Thank you for asking that I have the same radio mine wont scan at all but now I know what to look for in the features. I was thinking about making a programming guide and file just for the TK-880 since its popular.
  5. Anyone familiar with programming the tk-880? or is there a way to import everything I need from a file?
  6. Got my hands on a TK -880 and in the process of programming it.
  7. ko66


    I'm just learning about zello because of your post!
  8. Hi sierramadre, Maybe we can catch a repeater somehow and chat I do see any active ones out this way
  9. What would you recommend for mobile?
  10. Thank you !!
  11. What would you recommend?
  12. Hi there!!
  13. DeoVinDice, Thank you !! I am diving in on all 3 I have my ideas just have to research, I'm also thinking about a repeater internet linked. All I really see is Midland for radios they go up to 40w but not the 50w we are allowed I'm assuming there's a very good reason for that.
  14. kipandlee thank you !!!!.
  15. if I offended anyone I'm sorry
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