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  1. Mikeam's post in FRS frequency being transmitted on Repeater channel? was marked as the answer   
    You are correct there is no repeater in the area where I am at right now, also did an experiment with a second radio last night with the frequencies listed above if I transmit on FRS 1 and the second radio is listening on the repeater channel 18 there is no response on the repeater channel. Then I reversed both hand held radios with the same result so all is well with my equipment. I suspect one of the trail bike families in the area is using a ham hand held radio instead of a GMRS radio and they are programmed wrong!
  2. Mikeam's post in Btech 50x1 & V1 GMRS Frequencies not connecting was marked as the answer   
    Yes and only eight of the 30 (23 to 30)  (this is hard coded into the units) are set up to talk to a repeater. Go to BTech.com and look at the specs for each radio and take that information literally! Not the same as a Ham handheld radio!!!
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