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  1. So I *think* I am learning that part of my trouble may revolve around the possibility that these units only have 30 programmable channels that can be both TX and RX, and the other 100 + channels are there just for listening. Do I have that right?
  2. I appreciate you trying to work with me on this. You know far more than I do so I apologize if I'm unable to give you the answers you need to help me figure out just what the heck is going on. I've provided PNG files of my CHIRP configs for both units... if that helps. These are the most recent configs that tech support from MyGMRS put together and I still can't connect on non- repeater GMRS channels. FRS is fine. Thanks again.
  3. Right, so if, say, FRS 1 and GMRS 1 are the same frequency just utilizing different power (FRS 2W, GMRS 5W) then there shouldn't be any issue with connecting on the GMRS channels. But I can't get the GMRS channels to communicate. Something got screwed up during CHIRP. I may just factory install and start over. But there's smarter minds working on this for me. I'll provide an update if/ when this gets figured out.
  4. Thanks for your reply. When I say I can't connect on GMRS freqs, I mean I can't connect on even non- repeater freqs. I didn't do any programming other than copying and pasting the FRS/GMRS freqs provided by CHIRP into both units. All usage thus far has been attempts at simplex usage.
  5. Hello all, So I recently purchased and installed a Btech GMRS 50X1 in my truck and have a GMRS V1 for handheld. I have the correct USB cables and successfully used CHIRP to download the FRS and GMRS frequencies into both units. (Looking back I should have just kept the frequencies that came preprogrammed, but I digress) I have the 50x1 connected to an NMO antennae and the V1 is using the stock antennae. I can connect on all 22 FRS channels but as soon as I switch to the first GMRS channel, CH.9, I can't connect.. at all. None of the GMRS channels will connect. If I key one of the units I'll get a static hit on the other unit but I can't talk into either one on the GMRS channels. I was able to pick up a conversation on my local GMRS 9, but I can't connect. Maybe they were using a PL code, I don't know. But I still can't connect my two units on an open GMRS freq, like GMRS 10 or other. I could connect on GMRS the other day before I put CHIRP on the 50x1 but not now. So frustrating. Any thoughts?
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