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Everything posted by WRFP399

  1. Anyone here using this system? We just started to dive into it.
  2. All fair points. I simply copied what Rugged did, included where the wire exits the radio. I will say the TH-8600 works better in high RF environments than my UV5R but I have not put it side to side with my PM400/CM300 radios.
  3. Congratulations you have a 'Rugged Radio' for a total cost of $120 instead of $260.
  4. Use silicone to secure the wires in place inside the radio to prevent rubbing. Seal up the hole at the back of the radio where the wires pass to the exterior. Attach the mini-XLR connector to the wire. White goes to pin 1, yellow goes to pin 2, red goes to pin 3, green goes to pin 4 and black goes to pin 5.
  5. Strip off the conduit, bring the white, yellow and red wires forward to the rear of the microphone port. The black and green wires will go to the speaker terminals at the rear of the circuit board.
  6. I completed the job today. Open up the radio as above (allen screws and small torx screws) Unscrew fan and remove the rubber plug for the wires powering the cooling fan. Feed the 5 conductor 28 awg wire through the hole.
  7. Yeah. Super happy with LetsGetReady. Here is the link to the other post https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/4693-tyt-th-8600-vs-rugged-abm-25gmr-25/#comment-45840
  8. The Rugged GMR-25 is a TYT TH-8600 radio which can be had for $104 from letsgetready.com They are a good seller and stand by their work. I found one of my TH-8600s would not decode PL tones. TYT wanted me to send the unit back to Chinda. LetsGetReady took the unit back and gave me another one. The only difference between this and the Rugged Radio is the 5 pin mini XLR connector they add to the back so you can plug in a Rugged intercom kit. In a week or two I am going to add this exact same pigtail to my TH-8600. You can get 5 conductor wire and a mini XLR connector for about 10 bucks. Very minor solder skills and you have the exact radio for $114 instead of Rugged $250. I have a post started somewhere on these forms and will update it soon. If you are looking for a handheld to round out the setup, a matching TYT UV-88 is a good dual band radio.
  9. I think first you need to register. When I did I just used my call sign as my username.
  10. I have a Comet CA-F72GF already. Works well on GMRS but a sweep using a NanoVNA shows it is horrid down in VHF. GMRS is the primary means of communication but I want the ability to at least use the other bands if need be. I realize that may be it at a diminished capacity. I am not looking for an antenna that has an SWR of 1:1 from 136mhz through 520 mhz. Thank you for the suggestions so far. I saw that a Tram 1477 might also be an option. Appears fairly wide banded and multiple reviews show it useable for both HAM bands and GMRS.
  11. Something that would be more robust when it comes to ice, -30 degree temperatures and hurricane force winds. Alaska can be a bit tough on things.
  12. I do have some of these. I have several single band tuned to GMRS. One is running on an RT97 repeater. The others are used when backpacking. I also have one dual band for GMRS/MURS but I was hoping for a more permanent solution.
  13. Any recommendations for a single Omni directional antenna that will work with 2M, MURS, 70cm, and GMRS? Don't want a 17 foot tall antenna either. Something 3-5 feet would be fine. I understand there will be some sacrafices.
  14. I tried this exact thing...I even added a small duplexer...none of it worked well. I too like to tinker and learn but what I learned was the handhelds desence too much and I went with an RT97 which was far superior. They are low powered, weather resistant and with height I have used it out to 31.2 miles.
  15. If you really needed the RT97 to ID you can get the RT97S which can be connected to a Raspberry Pi and the ID can be done through that. If you don't want to do that or can't do that at the repeater location just use another radio to send the ID over the input frequency from a remote location. Done. But in all honesty the GMRS repeaters I have run across don't ID...as do the cast majority of simplex GMRS users (Bubble Pack Users)
  16. I don't know about auto calculations for line of sight but OsmAnd is a powerful GPS app and has detailed topo map layers.
  17. Dove in further. Found access to the back of the microphone port was easy to access. Just waiting on the wire and mini XLR connector to arrive.
  18. I have a TYT I am experimenting with. Does anyone have a Rugged ABM-25 or GMR-25 and would be willing to take the top 3mm Allen head bolts off to expose where that pigtail is attached into? I attached an image of the TYT for reference. I also attached the pinout of the Rugged Interface Cable and those are the connection I will be looking to make *IN* the radio. 5-Pin-Headset-Wiring-Diagram.pdf
  19. Getting permission is a matter of contacting whoever watches over that land. I use the Retevis RT97 for this purpose. It and a solar controller are strapped to the back of a solar panel. I have a small amount of coax going from the RT97 to the Antenna which is mounted just above it. The battery is a sealed lead acid battery that is at the base of the tree everything is mounted on. I get 25-30 miles of range on this set-up...but it is definitely not a commercial grade set-up. Given the same location if it was viable to put a "real" repeater up there it would blow the doors off the RT97. It has taken me about 2 years of trial and error to get this setup to work...winter is my worst problem (Alaska).
  20. Yes this is normal. The repeaters output on Channels 15 through 22.
  21. I tried doing a search a few different ways but found no results. If I take a Nagoya NA-771G and have it "mounted" on a backpack with 2 feet of RG174 leading to it do I need a radial or "tiger tail" or does the outer braid of coax take care of that? When I am hiking this often the setup I use and I am just making sure I am not missing something.
  22. I found zero difference between a 1/4 wave and a 5/8 over 5/8 collinear antenna where I am when talking to a repeater. We have mountains as well as wide open flat area. I go with a 1/4 wave because there is no reason to have a larger antenna if it doesn't do anything better.
  23. I am going to throw some knockoff LMR400 (KMR400) I have laying around on my RT97. This will be an outdoors installation. Just to see what happens. There are all these posts saying not to use it for theoretical reasons but I have yet to find a post where one did use it and came back with real world results. I have been using RG400...and that has been fine but I wanna try the LMR for the heck of it.
  24. What state are you in? This is a national forum.
  25. Eh, I had/have an RT97 that I use with a roll up J-Pole from N9TAX. Ideal? No, but it does work well with height.
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