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About renewrfy950

  • Birthday 08/31/1980

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  • Location
    San Antonio

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  1. Cool, thanks for the insanity check, just was not sure if I was missing something or not. Will keep using Tapatalk
  2. When I use the app I can’t access the forum, is that by design or am I doing something wrong? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. If my intent is to test whether my radios can connect to a repeater, would setting radio 1 to the correct channel and tone and then setting the radio 2 to correct channel no tone allow me to transmit and receive?
  4. Need some help trying to connect to repeater in San Marcos Texas. The settings on this website show Range: 15 Miles Output: 462.625 MHz No Tone Input: 467.625 MHz <Tone removed by moderator> I currently only have a Motorola MS350R. From what I can tell I would put my radio to channel R18 with a privacy code of XX. Will I have an issue due to the fact that the repeater has a tone on one side but not the other?
  5. So i went with the MS350R radios for adventures with the nephews. Does anyone have any insight into these radios? I do have a few questions about legality. So these radios are pre 2017. Does this mean that the base 22 channels can be used by anyone under FRS license rules? Anyone know the usable range? Is it worth buying a second set or would you go with another choice? I went with these for there IP67. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Also I read somewhere on the forum that someone was looking for rules/laws for dummies. Did anyone ever create that?
  7. Thank you for all the information. If I did allow them to use my license I would get them old gmrs blister pack radios that are type accepted. Plus I would go over the rules for line A and callsign usage. By the way where is the requirement about callsign usage found? Additionally where are the Canada “lines”?
  8. So I understand who I can share license with, but I am unsure of when and under what conditions. I love in Texas. I guess my question is can I buy radios for my sister and her boys who live in NY and allow them to use my call sign? Can I buy a set for my brother and his son who live in my city but will use them for scouts? Both situations I would not be present.
  9. Ok I’m lost. Lol
  10. To my understanding when using a PL tone on normal channels anyone using the same PL tone or no PL tone can hear you. Does this work the same with a repeater? Can I listen to repeater channel 18 with no PL tone and hear people even though the repeater has a PL tone of “x”?
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