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AlphaTango15 last won the day on June 18 2020

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  1. Are you still active in the area? I believe we aren't too far from you. I am looking at getting started in the Henry County area .

    1. WSAL750


      Yes, I have recently used Martinsville 700 repeater. I have contacted a couple of people on Guilford 600, but I believe my signal is weak, they were having difficulty understanding me. I am trying out a homemade 1/4 wave at home, hope to improve my signal.  

  2. When we did some ground test off of ridges in our area we got clear comms well over 15 - 20 minutes driving distance ; I'm guessing about 7-10 miles , that was from NW towards SW mostly directional and some clear comms from home base to NNW areas
  3. What is any ones take on a good base station and antenna system to improve comms between simplex users in our group ?
  4. Wow , that's more than I was hoping it would be and yes you made some good points . We are a group of people in a small mountain community trying to set comms for varied emergency situations . We all have GMRS , Btechs and simplex is limited without trekking up to certain higher peaks etc in our area . What are your thoughts on trying to improve with a good base station and antenna system
  5. Hello , new to the radio world and learning about setting up either a repeater or base station or both for small group of GMRS radio operators in a mountainous area of Va . Interested in suggestions and discussions regarding pros and cons from experienced operators AlphaTango15 73
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