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rickh last won the day on November 10 2020

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  1. Briefing through this post I did not see any clarification provided for the difference in the bands, UHF vs VHF. There is a difference which is substantial. UHF is a lot more dependent on line of site and as such usability over a distance is limited where as VHF wave lengths are longer and are able to travel further and in the right conditions a loooong ways. Congrats on obtaining the lic. You noted virtually testing can you tell us what that looked like? Was there live video proxy? UHF radio waves are much shorter in length than VHF, measuring around 12 to 24 inches. As a result antenna length is reduced as well as radio range. Anything from a building to a human body can interfere with UHF transmissions
  2. I hear ya! I did pass it back when was one of the hardest things I ever learned. Sending is easy reading however is not unless, you go at it hours per day day after day and eventually it will be like a skilled musician can hear a tone and tell you what key it is . I have not used it in so long I can only pick out individual letters every now and then and that equates to about 3 WPM! No one ever sends it that slow so I get behind in a flash and give up. I have always heard to learn it learn to recognize words not individual letters, I was taught by the letter. I do keep at hand a pocket decoder has a scrolling LED and runs on 9volt battery very small and very handy. Rick H...
  3. Use the practice of, If you key it state our call! As owner of repeater equipment I am not found of "kerchuncks". We operators are hyper aware of our systems status, always on the listen for irregularities which may require service action and since the GMRS repeater freqs are not coordinated we want to be good neighbors (avoid overlapping repeater coverage) so we hear kerchuncks and wonder, did someone bring a local repeater on line using the same freq, did I put one on the air and causing interference? Even with tones it could cause interference. So my perspective is, if you are going to key on a machine please provide your call sign. And in the linking world remember, you may be keying your local machine but it may be keying many others across the country as well. You would not go to random houses and open the door to see if anyone was home would you??? KNOCK! Rick H... WQHJ382 / W2RGH
  4. I agree with a dedicated section. Get all the issues and resolutions into ONE PLACE. There is no tutorial so this would be most helpful in easing the learning curve. Its not just repeater technical its more the IT side of it. I consider myself a "Power User" at IT and still found myself scratching my head at times. I am probably the one behind "all the new post on Linking" I tried to keep them all in the Private section. Rick H... WQHJ382 / W2RGH
  5. Just throwing it out there for reference in case someone wants to put together a repeater using the mentioned equipment combinations. Not sure how to post the pic in the message but its attached
  6. Thanks for that bit of insight. I will investigate further into app_rpt DTMF control. For my needs I would need an input though for a temp sensor. May require GPIO expansion board depending on what's currently being use. I have an external stand alone $6 thermal board with LED display and relay running now to control the fans on xceiver. Rick H...
  7. So I am thinking, that little Raspberry box might have more left in it that can be of use at a repeater site. External control of "other" devices. For starters cooling fans based on a temp sensor input. Loss of power resulting in transfer to backup. Backup battery state. Solar charging system state And more.... With the Pi GPIOs external in-outs the hardware is there. I do realize there are probably some repeater controllers running out there that already incorporate some of these functions, but mine do not. So the questions comes down to... Can PHP be loaded along with Asterisk? This would require opening Port 80 so a "Dashboard" of monitored points and access to functions could be accessed remotely. Is there enough horsepower and memory? I believe the Pi myGMRS is sending out is a 3 B+ 1.4 gig 64 bit quad core processor with a gig of memory. (not sure the Linux version running can utilize the 64 bit though). Over thinking it? Too much time on my hands? Just add another Raspberry to handle these operations? Never Satisfied (Rick H) WQHJ382 / W2rgh
  8. Will a 3 B+ work as well as the 3b? Only diff I can find is the 3+ boost a little more processor horsepower. Rick H...
  9. If ya was local I would be more than happy to help but since I am in Omaha NE... I have a KTP-50 and the software KPT-21D. Its a 2 min job! The KPT 20 is a stand alone unit that requires you remove the chip from the front of the radio, insert this chip into the programmer and peck away at the self contained keyboard, reinstall the chip and your off. The KTP 50 is a later model programmer that plugs into the connector up front under the top cover and the other lead plugs into the mic jack which powers the unit. There is a DB25 pin connector on the programmer that can be connected to a computer DB9 serial port, fire up the software (DOS based) and read, type new specs and write back to radio. I would check around your location for a Kenwood 2 way dealer they should have the service available for a shop fee. What about a duplexer? Does your TKR have one built in? Do you have an external one? Will it need tuned to the new freqs? There is a couple of services you can ship your radio to for the programming about 30-50 bucks for the service but by the time you your ship the heavy thing both ways your going to be pinging over $100 bucks! I have never see a used programmer for sale. Those that have them are like me not willing to give it up [yet] . Good luck, Rick H...
  10. For reference
  11. Running 1/2 of the DB 420B. Turned every other folded dipole 1/4 turn to make the antenna omni directional. The full length 420 is kind of over kill for 50 watts with just a little DB gain. The one I am running is repurposed from commercial use and is dated 1979 and works great. New they run about 1,500 bucks but due to the length expect another 200+ for shipping even broken in half. The last one I shipped was almost $400 UPS Ground cheapest way! The 408 only specs out a few DB Gain less than the 420 and is about 1/2 the length and not quite 1/2 the price. I would recommend contacting a local radio shop, especially a smaller one they may have some out of service UHF laying around, that's where I got mine, free for hauling them off, 6 of them!!! after tower removal. A lot of these antennas are still sticking up in the air off line as most business have gone to digital comms such as cell phones, YUK! An economical alternative is the fiberglass vertical The DB420 Specs.. Product Description 450-470 Broadband N/Male Product Narrative 8-bay, dual exposed dipole. Field adjustable 9.2 dB omni/10.4 elliptical pattern. Also available in dual or quad version. Specific Freq. (MHz) 450-470 MHz Gain (dB) 9.2/10.4 Maximum Input Power (Watts) 250 IMPORTANT SHIPPING INFO Freight/Delivery Charges for this antenna is $195 Bandwidth >1.5 VSWR 20 Vert. Beamwidth (-3dB) 7 Deg. Lightning Prot. Direct Ground Direct Termination Jumper w/ N Male Overall Length 19.4' Support Pipe Dia. 2" Rated Wind Velocity (MPH) 100 MPH Wind Load, (sq ft) 3.33 Mount Hdw. Incl. DB365 clamps Weight 34 Lbs. Warranty 2 Years The economy route, PCTEL/Maxrad - MFB4603-460-470 MHz 3dB Fiberglass Omni Antenna about 137 bucks guess where? AMAZON free shipping. Rick H...
  12. To bad on CAT I really liked them and their products. I do have a 350 controller on hand it will take two inputs I had it at one time configured as a repeater with link transceiver. I will revisit it. In the end I think I will just put up another repeater with the WX decoder on it for local use.
  13. Hi Rich and thanks, I have the node on line but can not transmit, can hear ok used sudo asterisk -rx "rpt fun 23101 *813175" and received confirmation announcement of connection but still can not transmit. Can hear okay just not transmit. I do see the node in the registry. Reboot Pi, still nothing as I Trouble shoot down the line I am wondering if the cable you sent was right??? I'll check pin outs. Rick H...
  14. Anyone have a diagram handy? I have 2 repeaters in different states and we are undertaking a project of linking the two through myGMRS. On location will be straight forward with the TKR doing all the repeater'ing. The other location is utilizing a CATE 250 controller as it has a CAT WX-100 alert integration and a NOAA receiver integration. This one will be complex due to the existing configuration so any ideas would be helpful. Thanks, Rick H W2RGH/WQHJ382 Omaha 600 Mexia 550
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