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Everything posted by jc1240

  1. Hi all. I'm new both here and with 2-way radios in general (outside of have some bow archaic FRS radios from the late 90s or early 2000s. I received my GMRS license last week (and am studying for the Amateur Technical). I have a question that I searched for, but didn't find the answer. With the re-alignment of FRS/GMRS frequencies and the increased power for a chunk of them on the FRS side, why are ch 8-14 still limited to 1/2 watt for both? Is there something unique about those frequencies and the possibility of causing interference on some other service? EDIT: Also, does the fact that FRS and GMRS have different bandwidths mean that they cannot talk to each other? I found the answer at https://midlandusa.com/why-gmrs-for-two-way-radio-communication/ They can communicate with each other. EDIT2: I didn't even notice the reply below before I added the Midland link. I was using a cached version of the page I think. Thanks, John
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