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  1. Here's a thought that might influence a new user to be led down this thought process.. A lot of info that is posted is that GMRS is the new more robust version of CB radio. I believe CB'rs would routinely call for radio ck/ drum up conversations with new contacts.
  2. Understood My mistake assuming any courtesy would exist. Guess its very different from ham/ amateur radio. one of the things some new users may experience. Thank-You for weighing in
  3. Despite my decades of electro mechanical experience. Having problems wrapping my head round all the technicalities not only accessing local GMRS repeater but after 5 mos with new midland mxt400 base and more than suitable matching antennae 30' off ground have not been able to get one radio signal check? Reading on line/ mxt400 manual and speaking W Midland tech service results in no help/ results. The base and the midland handhelds communicate 100% fine between ea. other. Currently prepping for tech Lic for ameteur radio & purchased a Yaseu 3dr HT. . Not sure where to turn for reliable info. No one wants to talk on the phone anymore. everything is "Fill out the form' "Email our tech service reps" becomes a very long drawn out process.
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