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Everything posted by Flameout

  1. I just picked up a TK-880, programing cable and KPG-49D (4.21) software. I'm able to read and write to the radio, but none of the PL tones I enter into the software are writing to the radio and I get this message when writing (first photo) I'm just doing some test files for now, until I can figure this out. The second photo is the few frequencies I have written to the radio. The two GMRS channels work just fine, but the 462.5500 Repeater is not working (not opening up the repeater) (second photo) Is there a way to factory reset these radios? It was a trunked system with 2 users programed in. I just deleted them, set No.1 under System Information as "Conventional" then went to SYSTEM EDIT in the bottom left of that page. I think the firmware is [OEC8] I really thought I'd be able to find more videos on programing the 880
  2. I'm pretty new at all of this and I am probably way off here, but I was not hearing any audio on my HT even though the power bar was showing I was receiving a strong signal. It ended up being that I had somehow had Rx-DCS on. Turned it off and all was good again
  3. I received my RT97 today (ordered last Thursday -4 days from China to PA) For anyone that need to know, pin 2 is + and pin 1 is - When I first powered it up it wasn't working on 462.550/467.550 so I was kind of upset, to put it mildly. Especially when the display screen came with no protective film and was very scratched up. Maybe a used unit? Testing the other channels it works just fine, so no clue what is with channel 1. It is showing that it is picking up the HT signal and the 2nd HT is receiving it but there is no audio. The power output was a little better than I was expecting and that was using the supplied power supply, which was 12.87v. Maybe more power in would be more power out?
  4. I ordered a Retevis RT97 repeater last week and I should hopefully have it by the end of the week. In the meantime, I wanted to make a couple of power cords. The RT97 uses a 4 pin aviation plug but I can not find anywhere which pins are which. I thought that pinout would be easy to find online. I was wrong Does anyone that owns the RT97 know which 2 of the 4 pins are used?
  5. Definitely don't want to ruin a radio so I just bought a Kenwood compatable mic off of ebay. Better safe than sorry. Thanks
  6. Ok, thanks. I was just hoping to test out this 880 to make sure it is functioning properly. Didn't want to have to put more money out for a mic if the radio isn't up to par
  7. I was wondering if I could use the microphone from an Icom 2730a in the Kenwood TK-880 I haven't had much luck finding the pinout for the 880, but found this on the forums. The second photo is the Icom pinout
  8. I always seem to find these things out just a little too late. I was researching the RT95 the past few days, but shipping from Retevis was crazy expensive. They had some "farm tractor bundle" for around $360ish but shipping was almost $200. After some back and forth emails, I was able to get the package for a total of $400 and then I found the Retevissolutions website, which for some reason I didn't even find uttil today, about 12 hours after ordering direct from the child labor camps in china. Not only could I have saved about $50 or so, but now I'll probably be waiting a month for delivery as opposed to a week ?
  9. Would the Laird 4500 or 4603 be a better choice over the Comet CA-712EFC?
  10. I've been looking at that DB404 and checked the shopping area here on MyGMRS. I'm wondering if they are having a problem with their shipping calculations? I'm not ready to buy one yet (I'd sure like to find a used one, or find one to try, to see how well it would work) but checking here they want $175 for shipping. No way that could be correct
  11. Icom 2730, a Yaesu FT-70, Wouxun KG-UV9P, Wouxun KG-UV8H and a Wouxun 805G. They all seem to Rx about the same when connected to the Comet. I'm still pretty new at this so don't have much in the way of radios.
  12. I brought the antenna into my garage, attached about a 10' section of RG58AU that was lying around and then connected it to an HT. The repeater was active, so I was about to walk outside with radio/antenna combo when I hit a sweet spot in my garage. This is weird. I have the antenna leaning, from floor to ceiling and my Rx and Tx are great! Just as good or better than any of the 2m/440 repeaters I also use. I attached a photo of the antenna in it's current position. It's not actually touching the truck and the tip is leaning against something on the ceiling, keeping it from falling. I'll probably leave it just as is is for a few days So I guess it's nothing to do with coax (to an extent) or the antenna itself and must be with how the UHF wavelengths travel??
  13. Oh, I'm sure you guys are sick of me, but a little update. I was receiving that specific repeater ok using that Wireman CQ-1000 coax, about a 30' run. I was hearing ok, but not great. Sometimes would be real clear than all of a sudden quite noisy, so I figured even better coax would help, so I bought some used Andrew Heliax 1/2" coax off of ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/403458751305 It was listed at being 23' but was actually 26' so a little bonus. I ran it out to the Comet 712 EFC (That stuff is hard to work with!) Tested the SWR which was great, fired up the radio and it was worse than before. What is weird is I was attaching about a 16" piece of coax to the radio, with PL-259 on each end and all of a sudden the radio was picking up the repeater great, with no antenna. I connected that to the new 1/2" hardline and like magic I could no longer receive the repeater Seems like if I just use the center of any of the coax and not thread the outer part on, it works but as soon as that outer part make contact, everything drops. I took down that antenna and I'm going to connect it to one of my HT's and just walk around the yard holding it to see if I can find a sweet spot and if that fails, I guess I just give up
  14. I ended up running that Wireman LL400, which according to that coax calculator, is almost identical in specs to my LMR-400 and I am, at least for now, receiving the repeater using the Comet 712EFC. I think it's time I learned more about coax! I looked on that calculator for LDF cable and didn't see it there? Is there a specific name for that cable? I can definitely shorten the run. I was saying 50' because that is just the length of cable I have. It is probably about 35-40' total run.
  15. I also have some Times microwave LMR-400 and some Wireman CQ1000 LL400 (I guess it's equivalent to the LMR 400) The RG8/U Im currently using looks just like the LMR 400 in that the same connectors will fit. Would it be worth trying either of them or just get whatever would be good for a 45-50 foot run?
  16. The cable is 50' of ABR Industries RG 8/U and the SWR is great (but then again, it is also great using a dummy load) I had the antenna up about 20' but experimenting one day, I was lowering it and all of a sudden I could pick up the repeater. I just had lots of noise, especially compared to the mag mount Nagoya about 3' off the ground. I really wouldn't mind buying another antenna if I knew it would work. Too bad there isn't a store that rents them
  17. Thanks for that site. I never even knew about that. I posted a jpg of the line of site, but I'm sure the curvature of the earth over the 17 miles has an effect on the signal. I had posted an a different forum about my problem, but just wondered if a different antenna would make a difference. the DB 404 may be a bit too expensive, but one of the Laird antennas aren't out of the question. I can receive that repeater great using a Nagoya Mag mount antenna stuck onto a cookie sheet, and can hit the repeater with a couple of watts on an HT and base, but audio is very bad, where as I can hit the repeater great using the Comet. with great audio reports, but it doesn't receive the repeater signal anywhere near as good as that mobile antenna
  18. Thanks for the post. Some good info. Antennas have always been a bit of a headache for me. I recently bought a Comet 712EFC which was a great improvement over the Slim Jim I was trying to use but still having a bit of trouble receiving once certain repeater. Would a Laird 4603 or 4605 be an improvement over that Comet antenna as far as receiving?
  19. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense and sure sounds like my situation. I put it back in it's original location and I'm receiving good, but my transmissions are a bit noisy. I guess for now this will have to do. When warmer weather gets here, I'll experiment a bit more. Thanks again
  20. I got around to getting up onto the roof today. Took down my 2m/70cm and put the Comet 712 EFC in it's place. Nothing. Couldn't pick up the repeater at all but could hit it when transmitting, but no better than the lower spot that I had it previously mounted. Tried turning and raising it up and down but never once picked up the repeater (I did this all of this while there was traffic on the repeater) The only time I could Rx was when holding it in my hand, tipped at about a 45 degree angle and kind of pointed in the direction of the repeater but I certainly can't mount it that way. Oh, and the HT didn't work at all either. I may do some more experimenting and will probably move it back to were it was, but would something like a directional Yagi work better?
  21. Once again, more great tips. Thank you and I really do appreciate it. I learn a little more each day. I had a chance to play around a bit today (Still can't get up on the roof yet) and I checked the Comet/cable combo SWR and attached photos and everything seems good. I swapped out the coax anyhow. I lowered down the Comet, re attached the new coax, checked the radio and it was receiving a great signal from that repeater! Ok, I figured I would go back outside and raise up the antenna another 5'. Did that and the radio was no longer picking up that repeater. I then realized that I needed to twist the antenna so that the 3 short radials were in a very specific position. I put a speaker in my windows, had the radio on loud and the Zello app open on my phone, in my pocket. When I heard anyone talking, I turned the antenna about 30 deg and sure enough it worked and the speaker was blasting audio. Does this make sense? Oh, that other wire in the photo is my HF dipole antenna which is probably about 15' away. It's supposed to be a bit warmer tomorrow, so maybe I'll get a change to get onto the roof and do some tests
  22. Just a little update on this antenna fiasco. Using the Comet, I was told my signal is great into the main repeater I was focusing on, but receiving on my end is all but non existent and the Nagoya is just the opposite. It is nothing but noise hitting the repeater, but I can receive from the repeater clear as day I did notice when swapping out antennas that when I get the so-239 connector from the Comet cable within about an 1/8" of the radio, the receive audio is great, but as soon as I thread it onto the radio, it is garbage again. What does that mean?
  23. Thanks again for the tips. I'll see what I can do about filtering but might just need to wait for a break in the weather to make some outside adjustments. I never did get a chance to get up on my roof with an HT to try out, but will do that as soon as I possibly can. As for putting the Comet inside my garage, when I first got it, I did try it in here and really wasn't working very well. The antenna is just over 10' in length and my ceiling height is 10'. Checking the SWR, using a MFJ-847, they are almost identical transmitting on 467.700 - the photos are the SWR on that frequency and on 462.700 both are 1.01 and 1.02 Yep, radio is fun!! I would be much more frustrated without forums like this and help and tips from you guys!
  24. Ok, the weather is kind of limiting what I can do, but I did buy a Comet CA-712EFC and although I can Rx ok with it, it is still very noisy and nowhere near as clear as the Nagoya that I mentioned above, that is inside my garage, on an old cookie sheet. I just don't get how that indoor mag mount antenna is outperforming the Comet? I am using a 50' section of ABR Industries RG 8/U Type 50 ohm low loss coax for the Comet. In the photo with the comet, that roof is a metal roof, about 12' x 21', so could that be the problem? As soon as I get a chance, I will move the Comet to my house and away from that metal roof
  25. Thanks for the tips and replies. The Slim Jim was purchased from N9TAX and has 16' of RG58, with a PL259 connector and that is connected to about 20' of LMR 195 right to the radio (also with PL259). That antenna is working fine on 2 other GMRS repeaters and also simplex. Just thought it was weird that it didn't pick up that one repeater when the indoor Nagoya picks it up great (if it is in the right location in the garage) The Nagoya has 14' of RG58 and also with a PL259. My only watt meter is a SW-33 and I have that right at the radio. SWR on both antennas is good. Both below 1.5:1 but not sure how good that little meter actually is. When on of the roof antennas is being used, the other is not and it is actually not even connected to the radio. Will the close proximity still be a factor? I may try putting the Nagoya outside to see of that helps but I guess I need to find some metal to set it on. When the weather breaks, I'll get back on the roof and take the Slim Jim down for some further testing
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