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truevil last won the day on February 19 2015

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About truevil

  • Birthday May 26

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  1. I bet it was this one. SE 725 Houston, Texas Network: http://www.mygmrs.com/images/icons/gif/sitemap_color.gif [None] Type: http://www.mygmrs.com/images/icons/gif/lock_open.gif Open System Updated: http://www.mygmrs.com/images/icons/gif/date.gif August 03, 2009 Owner: http://www.mygmrs.com/images/icons/gif/user.gif tpmarcum Travel Tone: http://www.mygmrs.com/images/icons/gif/delete.gif No ORI: http://www.mygmrs.com/images/icons/gif/delete.gif No Apprx. Range: http://www.mygmrs.com/images/icons/gif/timeline_marker.gif 18.4 Miles Output: 462.725 MHz 71.9 Hz Input: 467.725 MHz 71.9 Hz
  2. I have had one of these in my vehicle for 5 months now. No problems at all, and reports are it sounds great. I highly recommend it!
  3. I have a Comet CA-712EFC and it has performed very well.
  4. I never had any real noise to begin with. What I can tell you is to the west I can get out 13 miles with full quieting talking on an HT. This is all over nothing but rural farm land that is very flat. To my east I can get out 14 miles with a lot of noise, but I can still make out the words being said. At 10 miles it is full quieting. This is over neighborhoods and shopping centers while driving on the freeway. With the Ed Fong the furthest I ever reached was about 4 miles, and there was some noise, but not terrible. My little repeater is only 25 watts, and the base of my Comet is mounted at 37 feet, for reference.
  5. Steve, I recently replaced an Ed Fong antenna with the Comet CA-712EFC, and it easily doubled the range of my repeater. It seems to be a great antenna.
  6. Zap, Why is LMR400 poor in full duplex?
  7. Quaterwave, You asked about the terrain, well it is flat but we have a lot of trees. My wife and I did a test two evenings ago, and with her standing in the middle of our property we could not communicate at the farthest corner. A repeater may not be necessary maybe just a roof mounted antenna, but it still seems like a fun project to put together.
  8. Wow! Thanks guys! Looks like I have a lot more reading to do. I decided not to bid on the R100.
  9. Thanks for all of the answers. I guess I was thinking of sort of a duplex repeater, since one radio will receive on one channel and the TX radio till transmit on another channel. I will have 2 antennas, so do I still have to have them 30' apart? I am looking at an R100 with duplexer for $80. Is this a decent price? http://www.ebay.com/itm/121460445228?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Again, thanks for all of the help, it is most appreciated.
  10. Zap, I looked and looked and could never find anything that inexpensive or something I could just plug and play. If you could post some links I would still buy it and use the H/Ts I already bought for something else.
  11. Thanks for all of the answers. The setup I was thinking of was two of the Baofeng BF-F8HP's with the Baofeng controller, two runs of LMR400, and two of the Ed Fong antennas. I was able to price all of this out for under $300. From what I can determine is that these radios should put out about 6 watts on the GMRS band, and I think that is enough to cover the area I want to cover. So from what I read above, I need to separate the antennas by at least 30"?
  12. Hello all, this is my first post. I am newly licensed and just into this for just over a week. I was thinking of building a small simplex repeater to cover the 180 acres I live on. My question is what is the proper distance I need to place the two antennas from each other? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. I have read many threads on here over the last few days, but I have yet to find this answer. Best regards.
  13. truevil

    My repeater coverage

    This is a map of confirmed contacts using my repeater.
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