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  1. Do you need the ability to change channels or just the ability to monitor and transmit on the selected channel?
  2. Might have smoked the reverse polarity protection diode?
  3. I believe one ribbon is for the KRK-10 and the other is for a front mount configuration.
  4. I think that was wrong, I think you are looking for a Molex 03-06-2151.
  5. Look up molex connector 03-06-6155. Maybe that is what you need?
  6. okinater

    Quantar build

    Maybe referring to the pre selector having a 4 MHz pass? I dunno, a bit confusing to me too. I have 20+ Quantars in service and they are work horses.
  7. Have you tried reading another radio that doesn't have a password and program it into the password protected radio?
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