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Everything posted by DonErle

  1. Have not heard of gsharp repeater in Longmont. It's not on this site's map. Metro 700 is down right now, not sure when it will be back. I'm 11 miles from Lee Hill and 19 miles from Metro 600. You must live on a hill in Loveland if you can hit Metro 600 at 37 miles. See you on the air Works 790.
  2. We probably have talked on both. I live in SW Longmont so Lee Hill closer to me. My MXT400 resets the TX code to the same value as the RX code when I just touch the TC/DCS button. Even if touched accidentally. Pointed out to Midland and they tell me the design of the front control is such that it always sets TX and RX the same, that's why they provide the programing cable to change. They probably don't want to fix so there is a good market for their MXT500 that comes out later this year. . So I've been checking just to confirm I still have TX. Now I just lock the keypad to avoid issue. Also, I just download the radio occasionally using the PC and programing cable to make sure correct codes are still split. Will talk again I'm sure. Trying to improve my knowledge.
  3. It can also be software programmed to do split tones, CTSS and DCS even, on same channel. You must buy the DBR1 cable from Midland and they give you a limited-life link to the software download when you call them. I programmed mine to display my call sign on startup I'd be interested in how you used the Midland MVT400 programing software to display your call sign on startup of your radio. Good idea. Thought I had been to all the corners of the program, but never saw this handy feature
  4. In the Midland MXT400 programing software, on individual channel setups, there is a checkbox in upper right of the channel edit window labeled Scan Skip. Exactly what you are looking for I think.
  5. Wow, Thanks for all the info. My only repeater experience has been along the FrontRange of CO, where almost all repeaters require a split code and Texas (Dalhart to Austin) none required a split code. Of interest to me since I have a new Motorola MXT400 and was unable to input split codes until I purchased a cheap PC laptop, programing cable and loaded a copy of the software to make the changes. A bit of a pain, but glad I did all this just for the learning experience. So again, thanks for all your help. Plus I learned about CCRs!
  6. Not familiar with the term CCRs
  7. What are the advantages of having different squelch codes on the TX and RX side of a GMRS repeater? Is it more common than using the same code on each?
  8. Setup my radio with split codes to use a local repeater Loaded TX code 87 and 84 on RX. Used Midland's PC app and programming cable. Tested the repeater using two 400 radios. TX and RX worked fine. Then I merely checked the DCS code by pressing the TC/DCS button once. I normally do this on any channel that has DCS set. It’s a way just to check your code. Afterwards the radio would not transmit. It could only receive. So I downloaded the settings from the radio to the computer. As I suspected, the TX code had been changed back to 84, same as RX code! So it appears that IF I NEVER TOUCH THE TC/DCS button while on a repeater channel the setup continues to work just fine. Even if you accidentally touch the button, you’ll not be able to TX on that repeater station that requires split codes. One of the issues is that you never understand the problem nor be able to fix it unless you have a PC with you and can download and reset the TX codes. Very inconvenient. Anyone could accidentally touch the TC/DCS button. I guess I could lock the radio by pressing the call button and holding it. That is a work around, not a solution in my opinion.
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