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roadrunnernm last won the day on March 16 2015

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    Moved to the Hill Country, Texas

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  1. Hello, In the last year, I received paper copies of my GMRS, Tech and General licenses. The longest one took about two weeks. DaviD
  2. Thanks in advance for your help and patience. For the sake of this question please disregard any "isotropic antenna" information. In comparing the performance of an omni-directional antenna, I understand a vertical dipole is the standard of measurement. "dBd" as opposed to to isotropic "dBi" What would be the THEORETICAL improvement over a PERFECT vertical dipole by 1) a perfect 1/4 wave ground plane? 2) a perfect 5/8 wave ground plane? 3) a perfect 1/4 wave collinear (stacked) antenna? (four folded dipole antennas oriented in 90 degree offsets) 4) a perfect 5/8 wave collinear (stacked) antenna? (four folded dipole antennas oriented in 90 degree offsets) I am finding conflicting (surprise surprise) opinions and would like to hear from someone who has ACTUALLY seen/measured these configurations. Thanks again David
  3. Hello All, As a side note, I have monitored all 5 MURS frequencies here in Albuquerque (both my QTH and driving around town) and have heard NOTHING. Granted, I'm sure someone is using MURS but in several weeks of testing (with an eye to communicating with my daughter across town) I've heard no one.
  4. I have a UPS to which I have added external battery leads (with an isolator diode) so that I can connect a large deep cycle type battery during prolonged power outages. The battery can be charged by mains voltage or from an automotive alternator. I was very surprised at the 'service time' of just the internal 7 AH battery. It ran for over 45 minutes driving a large monitor, computer, external hard drive, and cable modem. And still wasn't under 10.5 VDC. My external battery was 70 AH. Extrapolating out to 7 hours! As I mentioned in another forum, the Optima Spiral Wound Deep Cycle batteries are Da Bomb. David
  5. Hello All, I have read that increasing the diameter of yagi elements will broaden the usable bandwidth. If the diameter is increased is the spacing changed? That is to say, is the spacing measured from the center of an element to the center of the next? or from edge to edge? Taken to the extreme (unlikely I understand) the elements could be close to touching. Or is there a point of diminishing returns? Say larger than one inch diameter or so? Thanks for your help and patience.
  6. We have between 270 and 310 days of sunshine each year here in Albuquerque. The research I've done shows this to be an excellent area as we rarely have more than a week of snow each year. In a related area (converting a 1973 Toyota Hilux to all electric drive) I've found Optima batteries to be without equal. Yes their Yellow Top deep cycle batteries are pricy. I have one used as SLI on my 1985 Jaguar 5.7L. It spins the starter better than anything else I've seen. www.optimabatteries.com
  7. For the sake of the general question, assume the antenna and the feed-line are both 50 ohms. (yes, unlikely, I know). Point being, does the connector have any function other than convenience ? I see some ladder-line antennas connected to the coax with only a choke made of 'turns of coax'.
  8. Hello All, Thanks in advance for your help and patience. On a homebuilt DIY antenna, is there any reason, other than ease of repair/maintenance, that a coax cable could not/should not be connected directly to the antenna? The point is to eliminate one connector (NMO, PL259 etc) and with it one possible point of failure. David
  9. Zap, Would you please post the make and model of your " My wideband UHF knobs". I'd like to see a picture of it. Thanks in advance.
  10. Passed my examination for Technician Class Amateur License. :-)
  11. Hello All, General Antenna Question. Vertical mounted antennas, such as on a vehicle. I know there's a up side to a bigger antenna, Is there a down side (other than the awkward physical size) of using a full wave length antenna versus using a quarter wave length antenna. Thanks in advance for your help and patience.
  12. That Radio Shack transceiver (21-1850 if memory serves) was a fine little car radio. It would indeed reach the 3 miles claimed in the manual. The down sides were, no spring on the antenna. Any bump would knock the magnet mount loose. And the cable from the control head to the antenna was not very resistant to UV. Dried and cracked very quickly. But all in all a BIG step above CBs.
  13. Hello Zap, I hope this finds you well and happy. I usually monitor 462.675 / 141.3. Open repeater on Sandia Peak. Call when you're in town. David
  14. Hello All, New member in Albuquerque NM WQVC883 Testing for Technician Class later this month. I'm interested in talking with Station Operators in and around ABQ David
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