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Everything posted by Stone

  1. The claims are that the email came from an employed FCC agent from his office email account. All I heard and read about was that, 1 The guy worked at the FCC, and , 2. That he was a friend of the guy he tipped off. If I was to give a "Heads up" and was in a similar position, I would know all about the security measures therefore bypass them by using my personal laptop or maybe even one at the library. If the warning is a "heads up" I would definitely keep it under the radar when I was doing the tipping of information. Just a little logical thinking here from real world experience. Have a Wonderful Day!
  2. Correct. As far as I am concerned, as of the ruling by the Supreme Court, Bureaucrats are now powerless. All the agencies are as of now defunct. Only laws by Congress apply and not "rules" by an Agency. Lawmakers are allowed to make "Rules" in the form of Laws. That said, I do live in the real world and what I am saying is that this will be one to watch. Talk about creating a legality mess with striking down Chevron. However the Constitution is what it is. If they don't like it then they can change it. Be fun to watch this one play out.
  3. I thought that was what the bubble pack radios were for. Family camping or keeping in touch with each other at the mall or ball game. IMHO being able to use repeaters the Eff Sea Seas should know that we that use this GMRS system would be a little more serious in the communication realm. Maybe it is time to RF Link? I am pretty sure that is allowed is it not?
  4. With all this now coming down.... Must be an election year....
  5. This is the first time I attempted to post a link to something. My apologies if I did it wrong. The site automatically embedded the link so I figured it was OK. Stone
  6. Just heard this morning about a New York linked repeater system being shut down by Uncle FCC on 6/14/2024. Then they got scary and wanted the repeater owner to turn over all the call signs that was using that repeater system. My understanding the FCC sent an e-mail to the repeater owner. Notarubicon made a video about this. Maybe someone here can enlighten? I just want to have the option to talk with family if other means of coms go down. That all said, all my family are under one repeater, but sometimes we travel so the linked systems are a blessing. God Bless... Stone
  7. Thanks! Will check out DX Engineering. Going so tall of a mast is why I was considering stand off mounts. One above the other spaced about 5 feet apart with a 25 foot mast with a thick enough wall so it would hold up freestanding off the tower. using 5 feet of mast for mounting, that would get me the twenty feet I am looking for. With lmr400 going to the radio antenna mounted the way it is now, I am not a big fan of moving the TV antenna with the two on the same mast. So figure kill two birds one stone. Get the height I need for comms and get some freedom back if I need to move the TV antenna around. I thank you for your advise. It has been taken to heart! God Bless and have a wonderful day!
  8. My antenna for the tv and radio at the present time is attached to the center of the tower and the rotor is about 10 feet down from the peak. I do not use the rotor as such. I have "Tweaked" the tv antenna, but for the most part it is stationary. To extend the center mast another 20 feet, I would have to get a 30-35 foot mast to reach to the rotor. As far as wind loading goes, I am on a hill but in a slight valley near the top surrounded by trees. I make a couple repeaters, However my simplex operation is lacking. Another 20 feet would allow me more than 3 miles base to mobile and strengthen my signal to the repeaters 17 and 35 miles away respectively. I will check into simply getting a longer mast pole. Any suggestions on something heavy duty enough to just extend through the middle? Thank you for your advise!
  9. Good day! I have a question for an antenna installer. I have a 25 foot free standing tower. I think it is a Rohn Type. The picture shows the climber setting the new TV antenna and my radio antenna. Not the best picture but at least you get a closeup of the tower. The other photo shows the entire tower before my monster antenna was removed. What I want to do is get my radio antenna up another 20 feet. Was thinking two standoffs about 5 feet apart one above the other, Then finding an aluminum mast with a thick wall, Maybe 1-4 inch, and mount the radio antenna to that and the mast to the standoffs. The antenna specs are also attached and is only 24 inches in height. Also on the light side. Hope I gave enough info. Any comments? Thank You! Have A Great Day!
  10. Just received my GMRS-Pro a few days ago. The antenna does come off. That said, There is a notice that says you will void the warranty if you remove it.
  11. ? To each his own. I started with one of those BF-F8 HP. Nobody complained about my signal. Actually people said I sounded pretty good and asked what I was using. That said, I am well within the range of the repeater I use. Can't say how they are on a simplex conversation. I have found that everything depends on the distance to the repeater. If your not in range because of terrain or distance even the most expensive top of the line radio sounds like crap. My Baofengs are for the most part retired. I'll take one with me in the boat and out and about the neighborhood to stay in touch with my wife at home. But I graduated to another cheap Chinese radio in the car and as a base. Those talk almost full quiet. ? Have a nice day!
  12. For what it is worth. I settled on this one and have had great reports from people that have heard me using it. I tried the N9TAX and had a higher than wanted SWR so am now using that one for my scanner. It works great as a scanner antenna! However using it as a base, people had problems hearing me. The one in the link solved that problem. https://www.ebay.com/itm/134261005629?ViewItem=&item=134261005629 I am very pleased however it only covers MURS and GMRS. That said, it covers it perfectly with a flat SWR on both for the most part. The MURS band does get up to a around 1.4 - 1.6 on the Blue DOT and Green Dot frequencies. However on all GMRS and the lower MURS frequencies the SWR is 1.0. It will not transmit on the 2 meter. I mean you can but the SWR is way up over 2.5 and higher. I have mine mounted up 35 feet in a not so friendly area, (Hilly and in woods), and located in Shipshewana about 20 miles from the Elkhart repeater. Using this antenna have no problem in spite of the terrain. This antenna is said to have 3.0 gain on VHF, 5.5 gain on GMRS.
  13. No my friend, I was speaking in general about the antenna setup possibly being an issue. I run a cheap china radio. Didn't want to spend too much at first due to limited income. Couldn't tell you about the radio part. Please accept my apology for not being clearer. I am new at this also. Just had the same type of problem but mine is able to be remedied by another antenna relocated higher. So just tossed it out there for what it might be worth when it comes to erratic performance. God Bless
  14. I've had the same issue. However being new I am learning! My issue is simply a not so good antenna in an area where I need all the help I can get. I can hit the repeater, but people can't hear me all the time. Then it is sketchy at best. Running a N9TAX antenna now. SWR is good for MURS and GMRS. However the repeater at 467.550 SWR shoots to over 2 and power is cut way down. Have a new antenna that will have 5.5db gain on the GMRS frequencies and setting it up another 15 feet. That should help a lot. The times I did talk, I am pretty sure the weather had something to do with it. After talking about 5 minutes, I was told the signal was starting to fade in and out. Living in Northeastern LaGrange County in Indiana (Shipshewana), I am using the Elkhart repeater. So far about 20/ 80%. 20% hit. Tried to check in to the net yesterday. Net control saw I was hitting the repeater, but could not hear me. My thanks to Net control for still checking me in. Everyone on GMRS is so understanding and is much appreciated! So any way, for what its worth, Make sure you have a good antenna at the needed height. Maybe that could be it. Sometimes the simplest thing is the answer. God Bless.
  15. I'm a big time green here. Loosing my posting virginity as I type! That said I do have real world experience with this issue. In the late 70's we all played round with the CB radio. I ran a base with an outside antenna. 10 foot Fiberglass whip 35 feet up on an extendable mast anchored to the house for support. Sat on a spike in the ground. Never had any trouble. Not exactly by "code" but never had any trouble. Then I moved into a trailer park and had to ground the antenna or they would not let me put it up. Hey! Why not! Been told that it wasn't code several times not to ground it. So I grounded it with heavy gauge copper wire attached to the place on the antenna base that was designated for it and drove a couple 4 foot copper ground rods into the ground. One week later I took a direct hit! Very first storm after grounding! They found fiberglass 5 trailers away in that mobile home park! My neighbor was getting coffee at the time and saw the thing hit. Best light show he ever saw and he did not want to see it again! Fried the cable, microwave, TV, Stereo, Landline phone. (No cell in those days). I had just unplugged the CB from the antenna and outlet so it was saved. Ever hear a CRACK then the thunder rolling away? It is an interesting feeling. Kind of a warm mushy feeling in the rear... Anyway I digress. Ever since that happened, I have had an antenna and I have NOT grounded it. And ever since my 35 foot tower and antenna has been safe even though my neighbors tree about 50 feet away has been hit twice in the last ten years. This is what happens in the real world. Lightning looks for a ground. Turning your antenna into what is essentially a lightning rod is not the way to go and I speak from actual experience on the issue from the real world. Of course however, this is just my opinion and experience. Actual mileage will vary. Everyone have a great day! ?
  16. Good day to all! Just received my license. Getting into this so I can have communication other than cell with my family. To quote Sgt. Schultz..... "I Know Nothing!". That said I hope to learn enough to be able to use the radio for handy communication as needed. I am not much of a talker and we keep to ourselves. Have a Baofeng that I have been listening to when the weather got bad. Now it is programmed with the GMRS frequencies. Then my wife had back surgery and I bought 2 pair of Midland GXT radios so she could reach me when I am around the neighborhood or at the convenience store just a few miles away. That's why I applied for a license. So we could use the higher power channels. 3 mile is about it over mixed terrain but that was enough. Now I am hooked. So just wanted to say "Hello" and also say "Thank You" for this informative forum. Only have profile half done because it wants a ham call sign and I don't do ham. Tried to "Skip" but still can't get past that. Anyway I'll try to finish the profile in a few days. Maybe an old dog can learn a new trick! Thanks again for this forum! WRMN602 Shipshewana, Indiana
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