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  • Name
    John Andrews
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  • Location
    DFW TEXAS (Southeast Arlington)

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  1. Thanks to everyone who chimed in. Many of you provided interesting insights from your experiences. You have given me more to think about, going forward. I am new to both GMRS and as of last night, Amateur Radio. Yes, I am disappointed that my initial simplex target (family member) on GMRS was a failure at one mile away with my new KG-905G HT’s. I guess I have much to learn as I continue venturing into my new hobby… lol. For those familiar with the DFW Metroplex, I am in far SE Arlington at TX-360. I also tried hitting the downtown Dallas and South Arlington GMRS repeaters, to no avail. Due east of me, I see the massive antenna farm in Cedar Hill. Unfortunately, I don’t think there are any GMRS repeaters there. Yes, tall repeaters are coveted assets in GMRS. Apparently, GMRS does not seem to be so popular on the south end of the Metroplex, where I live. At least not yet… lol. I may plant an antenna in the attic (HOA) and see if that helps… Or perhaps a mag mount on my SUV for some mobile signal scouting. I am not giving up on GMRS! I did obtain some instant gratification last night on Amateur Radio, yakking from home on the Mansfield 440 machine with my starter BF-F8HP. I was unable to open the MJARS 2m machine. (I see a FT-60 in my future… lol) The adventure has only begun!
  2. Hi… I am new to GMRS. I recently purchased two Wouxun KG-905G HT radios (buytwowayradios.com), replacing the stock antennas with the Nagoya NA-771G. I reside in a suburban subdivision. For my initial test (running 5w on Ch 5), I took one radio to a 3rd floor unit in a building 0.9 miles away, per Google Maps (a bit shorter as the crow flies). I expected a clear signal at that distance, but was not the case. My TX’s were not received by the 3rd floor unit. Their TX’s were hit or miss. Some came through (with static), others did not. The only impediment I can really think of is a line of those massive overhead electrical power lines that cut across the two locations. Would that be enough to knock out a signal between these relatively short distance locations? Any suggestions to improve communications? Obviously, a disappointment starting out. Thanks in advance.
  3. Thank you! This is the best explanation I have read to date on the differences between superheterodyne vs SoC transceivers. I am brand new into GMRS and recently received my license. I trying to soak up as much education as I can, to make intelligent decisions going forward. I have been looking at Wouxum HT’s for my first radios. Based mainly on reviews from our favorite YouTube Hobo, I was leaning towards a KG-935G. While it has very appealing bells and whistles, I was surprised (disappointed?) to learn it is a SOC radio… unlike the 805G/905G’s. I am wondering if I may be better served with a superheterodyne 905 vs the SoC 935? Thoughts?
  4. Thanks for the reply. Does the ¼ wave shorties get out as far as the taller mobile antennas? If overall performance is not too adversely impacted… I was thinking of a shorter GMRS antenna for mounting on top of a F-150 cab… for “ceiling clearance” issues (parking garages, etc.). Please correct me if I am mistaken, but I assume the Laird ¼ wave shorty is on a NMO base? Finally, are there performance issues mounting antennas on the aluminum body of the F-150, versus a steel body? Thanks for your help on this.
  5. Just curious about those Laird ¼ wave shorties… How is the TX/RX on those?
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