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  1. Very awesome Inez & Bob. Looking foreword to the repeater! I've checked in from Adelanto, VVC and the BOP/VCV (SCLA), everything hase been clear!
  2. XTS set to 462.550, (set three different PLs to test) on the transmit PL, UV5r picked each up to their correct setting on the XTS. Doing the same on the receive PL, same thing, UV5r picked up the set PLs. This one has me baffled.... Why would the XTS work simplex, without issue... but anything repeater it is throwing a tantrum.
  3. No changes to the XTS Repeater channel/personality. UV5r 462.550, 136.5; XTS hears UV5r. UV5r does not hear XTS. UV5r 467.550, 136.5; UV5r hears XTS. XTS does not hear UV5r. Not though the repeater.
  4. Second Radio (UV5r) manually entered to the Repeater Input 467.550 No tones, UV5r hears the XTS (no ptt dropoff or timeout); XTS does not hear the UV5r when keyed back. Keying the repeater with tones from the XTS, the UV5r no tones, receives the beep from the repeater on 462.550. Keying 467.550 no tones from the UV5r, XTS hears nothing from the repeater. Repeater: 462.550 +5 (467.550) 136.5 input
  5. I am not sure what my XTS is doing, but it will not hold repeaters to talk. When I key to talk, nothing; but I will get the beep back from the repeater as if I key chunked it. It has been working just fine until recently. Nothing has changed, I have not changed any setting since July (has been working fine) and a re-review of the programming everything looks correct. I've tried with and without the remote mic attached; with stock and vehicle antenna - nothing. If I just regular non repeater channels, there is zero issues. Personality, and channel programming, PLs, all look fine for the repeater channels, yet it wont hold it. Amazingly, The UV5r used in my other hand, hits and hold just fine on a rubber ducky. Nothing has changed on the repeater side, same PLs blah blah. I am confused on what else it could be.... as it was working just fine and than all of a sudden it wants to throw a tantrum. (Vehicle antenna = Midland Ghost and 6db, also tried a dual ban window mount; And the rubber ducky stock antenna)
  6. I would assume the way they see it, they are all the same and a no go.
  7. Agreed with the people understanding the fact YOU ARE GOING TO HEAR YOURSELF... LOL Once most understood that part, it worked decent.
  8. Here is what I did if you don't want to spend the funds on a Reteveis. (Altho if I had a travel trailer the Reteveis with a extendable mass antenna would be my ideal setup.) Now this isn't a epic high power repeater but is self contained and deployable while out camping. Hoist it into a tree, or set it up on a hill. It has run a couple days with moderate traffic. Worked decent for when people ventured out from where we camped surrounded by hills. HT to HT at camp would not hit through the hill. Plopped this little box on the top and was able to bounce up and over the hit back to camp. Its just a Baofeng, Surecom and a HF box with some random connectors. Runs completely on their own batteries. As long as you understand the Surecom takes and rebroadcast your transmission and everyone remembers to give a few seconds for the transmission. Think maybe I am into it around 100 bucks give or take.
  9. 1st = Baofeng UV5r Now = XTS5000 The addiction got real.... LOL
  10. All else, set yourself up with an emergency coms radio. Basic know how of use for emergency/shtf/power outages etc. For me, I started with wanting something I could get a hold of my family who is across town about 30 min away on a good day drive. I also off road a fair amount and the radio are a must. So I have gone down the rabbit hole on radios. Also living in Southern California with wide fires, radios came in very handy for those directly effected in the recent wildfire; as their power, cell towers, internet lines all went down (the main run in burned). The amateur side was relaying messages from people in the dead zone, down to people with power, cell service etc; and where relaying messages to family members. And then add earthquakes, we haven't seen a GOOD one in some years to REALLY put the infrastructure to a test for rigidity. I also have the benefit of several GMRS and Amateur repeaters in my area.
  11. Both of the below I've used with good results: Baofeng Magnetic Car Vehicle Mounted Antenna UHF VHF Dual Band Walkie Talkie Antenna for Baofeng Antenna Upgrade 15.6-Inch Whip Dual Band UV VHF/UHF 144/430Mhz
  12. You can also tie multiple licenses to the PO Box without issue. When looking for a PO Box (I used USPS), shop the Post Office that around you within a short driving distance. The Post Office that is like 7 minutes from me, a PO was $65 every 6 months. A Post Office about 15 minutes from me was $30 for 6 months. You REALLY only have to go to that Post Office ONCE to pick up the keys, especially if its JUST used for GMRS/Armature licensing. ANNND sign up for informed delivery and you can see anything going to it. I also use the PO box address for when I ship anything sold online.
  13. Come on man.... new post... "Cant hit a repeater" "Can hit a repeater" How does an antenna adapter change hitting or not hitting a repeater?
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