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Everything posted by labreja

  1. labreja


    https://mygmrs.com/repeater/2309 If you scroll down past the map, there are some instructions on how to set up zello on that repeater. Hope this helps.
  2. Have you tried moving around your house or taking it outside and moving around to see if the signal strength changes or goes away?
  3. DX Engineering has a video on Youtube which shows how to weatherproof connectors. I have also attached their PDF. I used both of these resources which really helped me. weatherproofingcoax-techtip.pdf
  4. Lscott, Although I haven't used any digital voice modes to communicate yet, (just listening) I can report that my Yaesu FT5D sounds great when listening to C4fm repeaters in my area. I use a Signal Stick antenna attached to the FT5D while outside, but then I connect it to an external antenna via a window pass-through while inside the house. From what I understand, using C4fm is the most simple digital mode to use. My friend has a Kenwood D74 which, I believe uses D-Star. (please feel free to correct me if I am wrong) He has had several issues attempting to use D-star, so he quit attempting. Just my 2 cents. I hope this is some help.
  5. gortex2, I am a newly licensed ham as well as a newly licensed GMRS operator. Personally, I did so for 2 reasons. The first is, I am extremely nervous about pressing that PPT button. (Kind of shy) I believe the GMRS community is less stringent or more understanding of new operators who may make mistakes, which makes pressing that PTT button easier on GMRS. The second reason is, my wife has no desire to get a ham license. I wanted to be able to help educate her on the use of radios if things turned south and we needed another way to communicate. So, I helped her get her own GMRS license. We practice communicating often, between our vehicles as well using our base to our vehicles. She has requested permission from local repeater owners, and when she receives those permissions, we will start to practice using the repeaters as well. Introducing the grandkids will be next. I hope this makes since and helps.
  6. I purchased a 20' piece of EMT from Menards. I drove a smaller piece EMT into the ground to secure the base. lastly, I attached it to the house. I have an Ed Fong UHF/VHF, an old Antron A99 and a MFJ 2012 hung from the mast. I am getting ready to add an Ed Fong GMRS antenna to the mast on Thursday. I can add pics if anyone is interested. p.s. I transported it on my short bed F150 with racks on the roof and a piece of 2x4 with a hole in it, the same height as the racks. I then used ratchet straps on the roof racks and, at the back, I went from one side, around the pipe, then to the other side of the bed. This worked pretty good. I only had about 7 miles though. I hope this helps someone.
  7. Outstanding idea! Looks more robust than the commercial one that I purchased.
  8. Hi James. Welcome to GMRS. This repeater may work for you. https://mygmrs.com/repeater/4682 Good luck
  9. I am not sure what antenna you are referring to, but for a point of reference, I am using a Comet CM-5M mag mount with a Comet CA-2X4SR. Yesterday, it was an extremely day. Maybe 30 to 40mph. I was passing a car on a 2 lane road. Probably around 75mph. I heard a very loud thud as I passed the slower vehicle. The noise was the antenna coming off the roof and hitting the side of my car. I have never had that happen before, but like I said, It was really windy. I hope this helps.
  10. On my F150, I used a metal plate for a mag mount. I used the 3M VHB tape. No issues even at highway speeds. https://www.amazon.com/Double-Mounting-Waterproof-Outdoor-Black,1/dp/B08T1HB5LJ/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2JGJN3D63QVAG&keywords=3M+VHB+Tape&qid=1644586028&s=office-products&sprefix=3m+vhb+tape%2Coffice-products%2C65&sr=1-3
  11. pl4tinum, Here is an image of how I have my radios set up. I couldn't seem to find the compander setting. Maybe the wrong version of software. I have version 4.21. I did change the Squelch settings to match yours. Thanks for the file. kpg49d102421.dat
  12. pl4tinum, I am using the 49D software. I didn't have to purchase an extra cable as my RT Systems cable, that I use for my Kenwood TM-281 worked. I also purchased some Kenwood KMC-65 mics to use with the radios. They seem to work ok, I just haven't had enough time using them to from an opinion yet. I have no issue programming the radios, I just don't know what all the correct settings should be for GMRS use. Thanks for Gotchas info above! Great stuff. James
  13. Thanks Michael. I really appreciate the help! James
  14. Thanks guys for the information!
  15. I am attempting to program a radio with local repeaters. When I go to the map link, there are very few repeaters in my local area. (Dayton, Ohio) However, when I go to the Repeater link, there are several in the area. Is one more accurate than the other? Please advise. Thanks James
  16. I recently purchased 2 Kenwood TK-880-1 v2 radios from Ebay. I watched a YouTube video from CKZBinMO, where he showed how to upgrade firmware. On he video page, there is a link to downloads for firmware as well as programming software. https://groups.io/g/KenwoodRSS/topic/tk_380_firmware_upgrade/76114592?p After clicking on the link, scroll about 2/3s of the way the page and the downloads will be there. The cable that I used, which I already had, was from RT Systems for my Kenwood TM-281. Much to my surprise, it worked. I just wanted to pass along this information with the hope that it will help someone in the future. Things that I am looking for are, 2 good, but budget mics for the TK-880 radios, and a good programming templet or cheat sheet for them as well. Thanks James
  17. Hello everyone. I am new to GMRS as well as the myGMRS.com website. I have 2, probably vintage by now, Cobra Micro Talk LI 7000 WX HTs and 2 Kenwood TK-880 radios. The one base station Kenwood is connected to the Ed Fong DBJ-UHF GMRS antenna. I look forward to learning as much as I can, and meeting new people. Thanks James WROD278 K8JCL
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