I received my GMRS license about a month ago and what I have been learning is... crickets. Locally we have one repeater and I NEVER hear anything on it. I use it to try to get some activity on it but, it sits quiet. I also call out on simplex as well. Nothing. What can a dude like me do to get more activity around here? What do you do to get more activity in your local area. So far, I have looked up any kind of group or club for GMRS, I tried to get my (very few) friends into GMRS (they dont care?) I have asked co-workers (they dont have a clue what I was talking about haha) and then I just call out all the time for someone to reply. Anyway, Im just asking for a little bit of help and encouragement to continue forward with GMRS because its pretty hard to talk to yourself out on the air.