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Everything posted by Trad77

  1. I am starting to feel that my GMRS radio is just taking up space in my Jeep. I go out venturing solo about 99% of the time... and the one person I rarely go out with does not care about any communications at all. I am thinking about taking out my GMRS radio and just going back to ham radio HF mobile. I guess I could make a VoIP connection to the network to connect to rooms but I really dont want to invest any more money into GMRS at this point. Good luck out there and I hope you get that repeater up and going!
  2. Unfortunately the local ham traffic is quite silent as well... unless if you use HF then you can get a contact that way.
  3. Facebook? Whats that? haha. I do not have an account with them, however I could use some local forums that I know of. Thanks for the advise and idea!
  4. I am in Wyoming... Poe Dunk, Wyoming. haha.
  5. You are right! I do understand this and I am not expecting a mass influx of other GMRS users to be on everyday like some hams I know. I am more asking how you can bring in some traffic so that we can use the repeater.
  6. Hello, I received my GMRS license about a month ago and what I have been learning is... crickets. Locally we have one repeater and I NEVER hear anything on it. I use it to try to get some activity on it but, it sits quiet. I also call out on simplex as well. Nothing. What can a dude like me do to get more activity around here? What do you do to get more activity in your local area. So far, I have looked up any kind of group or club for GMRS, I tried to get my (very few) friends into GMRS (they dont care?) I have asked co-workers (they dont have a clue what I was talking about haha) and then I just call out all the time for someone to reply. Anyway, Im just asking for a little bit of help and encouragement to continue forward with GMRS because its pretty hard to talk to yourself out on the air.
  7. The ARRL has excellent resources for ham study. www.arrl.org
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