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Everything posted by lnelson007

  1. Is it ok these days to get on a plane with ham radios? Obviously they would not be on but I would like to take them in my carryon.
  2. Great. Thanks much!
  3. Update: Programming Cable received and chirp software loaded! Once I bypassed Apple security (which the instructions clearly addressed), loading Chirp on Mac was pretty straight forward using the instructions from BlueMax49ers and their chirp link. Uploading it to my Btech V1 was also easy. I have now heard from at least 2 of the repeaters I entered. One was GMRS so I was able to talk. The other was VHF so I was able to listen. Just good to know I’m making some progress although there is still a lot to learn, even with GMRS. It’s clear BlueMax49ers was/is the way to go. Mark sent me a note and assured me he was also available to assist if any problems. I told him of the sites informal approval of my choice and his apparent positive reputation! ? One question: I actually have 2 Btechs V1s (one for my wife). I’m hoping I can now just connect the second one and upload to that device the same data. Just wondering if software will recognize that it’s a new device and require something more complicated. Otherwise, I think I am on my way. I’ve heard and read a lot about how supportive this community is. I appreciate all of your responses, (most especially you Michael). As I learn, I hope to be able to pay it forward. Thanks. ?
  4. Well, looks like I got the right cable. It was about $25. Should arrive in a few days. BlueMax49ers. Item #DescriptionQty. PC03_BTECH_GMRS-V1BTECH GMRS-V1 USB FTDI PC03 Radio
  5. I think that is right Micheal. I believe the Btech gmrs v1 is preset offset. I’ll check on the cable and understand I DO want to run program from internet. Thanks guys.
  6. Haven’t installed chirp yet (have a Mac so initially I wasn’t sure chirp would work because of Apple security). I have now ordered the cable. Sounds like that might help. (I should receive cable over the next week). I’ll give chirp a shot and if not resolved, will get back to this board. Thanks again.
  7. Sorry, channel 27 for repeater 19.
  8. They were local to Sarasota, Florida: 462.600 (141.3 tone -gmrs repeater 17/channel 25), 462.650 (103.5 tone -gmrs repeater 19/channel 19 ). Also tried the Sarasota Amateur Radio Club directly at 146.910 (tone 100.0). At this point Michael I would take anything just to hear that it’s working properly. Thanks for responding.
  9. I am a new licensee and new to Mygmrs.com. I have Btech V1 and have programmed in local GMRS repeaters. Ihave been listening for some time and trying to transmit as well but all has been quiet. I’ve obviously done something wrong but have confirmed frequencies and tone. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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