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Everything posted by HrXkb3UjmgFvBe

  1. Got the RT97s linked with the correct audio settings with the RIM-Lite in simpleusb.conf carrierfrom = usbinvert ctcssfrom = no I had them both usbinvert, this was incorrect I also turned off a couple of courtesy tones within rpt.conf unlinkedct linkunkeyct Here are a few configs and commands I use often, I had bookmarks to multiple posts from here and this should cover most of your basic needs. sudo nano /etc/asterisk/simpleusb.conf sudo simpleusb-tune-menu sudo nano /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf sudo shutdown -r now sudo service asterisk restart sudo nano /etc/asterisk/usbradio.conf Helpful resources I bookmarked (with some being redundant) when I was researching; perhaps it will help someone save time. https://onnocenter.or.id/wiki/index.php/Asterisk_RoIP:_usbradio.conf https://www.parkerradio.org/community/projects/allstar-node-from-motorola-cdm-1250-radio/ https://wiki.allstarlink.org/wiki/Beginners_Guide https://wiki.allstarlink.org/wiki/Rpt.conf https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/3739-noob-cheat-sheet-for-node-programing/#comment-37327 https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/3793-new-node-set-up/ https://youtu.be/1Um4kb_swDo
  2. I have an RT97s as my repeater. It does not like to work with my ID O Matic Controller so I ended up send beacons every 15 minutes that I can power off and on remotely. My pair of motos did not have an issue with the controller but I discovered other challenges I will address after next spring with the motos again. I ordered this https://shop.mygmrs.com/collections/repeater-accessories/products/repeater-builder-rim-maxtrac-usb-radio-interface It does not play well with the RT97s either so I built a repeater from a pair of moto CDM1550's but I experienced desencing issues. I want to use one of the pairs to link the RT97s to the network. I ordered a rim lite (direct from repeater builder) as one of my last efforts to get it linked without the moto. On the moto, I can hear tones when testing the audio using sudo simple usb-tune-menu , and can hear a beep when the controller starts up and registers a kerchunk. I can't get the audio in to work with the sound card. I was thinking it had something to do with the tones and the repeater. After several attempts changing carrierfrom, ctcssfrom and duplex I don't know what else to do. I saw documentation for a similar radio for an allstar station for ham's https://www.parkerradio.org/community/projects/allstar-node-from-motorola-cdm-1250-radio/ and read up on getting started with allstar WIKI without any progress. Do I have wonky hardware at this point since I had issues with linking my RT97s (using the RT97 image) and my id o matic? What's weird is that existing sound card registers the RT97 audio in per the LED but not on the moto. My end goal is getting the RT97 linked directly or though the moto (least desirable). I know it's not commercial hardware but I did learn a hell of a lot about this infrastructure that I find intriguing. I will save up for a commercial repeater, but some of those have 2 mobile radios inside leading me to build my own.
  3. Hi, Is anyone using this repeater and controller? I saw the the DB-9 Connector to URIxB Pinout had a tab for the ID-O-Matic IV. I can't be the only one who has this since the pinout is posted. I don't exactly want tech support but I don't see any recent posts about these two items together. This may be a good opportunity for others to verify it works as a fun "cheap" solution. -edit I disconnected the ID-O-Matic as the repeater works fine without it. Not sure why I have inconsistent issues. When I key up, it works fine. Then you do it again and there is a trail. When looking at the controller using putty I can see CORE enabled , highlighted Sometimes when I update the programming and keep it connected it will either stayed keyed up with noise until I remove power or work perfectly until I power cycle the controller. Since my repeater works without issue when not using the controller I : Have an issue with the controller Have a defect with repeater's serial or sound card Is it possible these devices do not play well together?
  4. Sure I understand, I did not explain it properly. BTW, the link is interesting and perhaps the cheapo amp changed the shape for the worse given that's it's not omni. I was driving around my block (the issues started around 5-10 seconds away from my home) where the sound (not signal or wave) was 100% to my ear before the repeater and amp was ever in use. I was using my station on simplex with my family for the past year without issues with any nearby direction. Again, I was only a few blocks down the road when the signal was warped because of my noob experiment. The outcome is interesting, learned a lot by my own ignorance. I ordered a cheap omni last night to see what happens and to keep it as a backup down the road. jpole was what I had for GMRS and it's clearly not intended for repeater use with an amp incorrectly used. My dual bander amateur worked great without the amp...but I need a quality tuned GMRS base antenna. I have parts to build one..but I don't want to , I just want to toss up a completed antenna without tuning it.
  5. I was stupid to believe I could use an amp (as i've seen on youtube...but with a different duplexer.) I wish I found this thread last week. Thankfully I got the rt97 and amp on Amazon so I can make an easy return...honestly I got it there initially to experiment and return if it did not work out. I just purchased the RT97S on there since I want the ID O matic for features outside of station ID. Being ignorant when I installed the amp (yes this is wrong after thinking and reading this thread)..weird things happened when outside of my home with the antenna is 30 feet or so above my roof. My jpole antenna was transmitting as a beam east to west but receiving omni....the other TX direction was either noise or nothing at all. I was not able to replicate the issue with the amp removed. If my 5 watt HT can be picked up 10-20 miles (depending on direction) away from my home station then it's good enough. What does 50 watts do for me...from a signal that was great..to slightly better. If I want more distance i'll use the commercial GMRS repeater in my area, connect an HT to Zello, or build one. Building one is like an oil change, I can do it for cheaper and with better parts but I rather pay someone to get theirs hands dirty.
  6. I returned the DB25-G GMRS because it appeared and felt cheaper than the 20G. Also it did not have the ability to save tones for different repeaters on the same freq. I am happy with my Wouxun KG-XS20G, reception is improved by a lot and I can program tones to repeaters in whatever order in the memory regardless of the GMRS freq...this feature is a must for me when I travel and have repeaters pre-programmed.
  7. I discovered the exact same issue when I was on a net this week on my portable, KG-935G. I am starting to think this was a software bug. Glad I had a backup and was able to restore after trying to figure it out; this must me a Wouxun thing (or a bug) as it happens on other devices they make.
  8. Thank you for all of the responses, I did not want to return or exchange the radio; i've done enough of that the last two weeks when I noticed I got either the wrong cable length or a couple of antennas not tuned for GMRS. I ended up buying most of my cables and antennas at buytwoway and returned all of my amazon GMRS related items since they where about the same cost (in most cases cheaper outside of Amazon and ebay) and I know that I would get the correct product.
  9. I have a question about reception with a mobile radio when driving. Is it normal for a signal (when listening to traffic) to fluctuate when driving and not when stopped or parked? I have a mag mounted antenna and a Radioddity DB25-G GMRS connected to a cig lighter. The recieve signal can go from 60-80 and all in between, is this expected when moving in a car, specific in a medium sized city with may trees and buildings.
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