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Everything posted by SteveShannon

  1. Some repeaters ID without tones, even though they require tones to access them. That doesn’t mean they’re open. Some repeaters have tones on the input but not the output. That doesn’t make them open. Some repeaters use input tones and output tones. That doesn’t mean they’re open. It’s more likely that a repeater that doesn’t require tones to access it is open, but it’s not a rule.
  2. The channels from 15-22 receive on the exact same frequencies as repeaters transmit on for channels 23-30 (sometimes referred to as channels 15RP - 22RP). Nobody owns the channels but it’s also prohibited to intentionally cause interference for others.
  3. First time ever for a tropical storm warning there, so yeah.
  4. Who would own and operate the repeater? New GMRS licenses are only issued to individuals. There are no new government or commercial licenses. Each of the park personnel would be required to be privately licensed in order to transmit. It’s just really not the way GMRS is currently intended to be used.
  5. Rather than deleting it, why not tell us how you solved it so others benefit also?
  6. The software is free and the cable comes with the radio at no extra charge.
  7. That’s the correct screen. Now just change the mode. I think it’s the up and down arrows but I don’t remember for sure.
  8. Take it apart and see what popped loose. Is it worth fixing? If opening it and reseating the connections to the LCD doesn’t work then get a quote from the manufacturer. Then determine whether the cost is worth it to you. Nobody else can answer that question.
  9. Does this help? http://www.aeroelectric.com/Installation_Data/Softcomm/ATC-2PSchematic.gif
  10. Just so you know, the MXTA26 antenna does not include a mount. You’ll still need to get some kind of NMO mount to attach to your jeep and accept the antenna. Many mounts include the coax cable as well.
  11. First, you must select a repeater channel. Repeater channels and simplex channels will both receive the repeater transmissions, but only repeater channels transmit on the correct frequencies for the repeater. Second, you must transmit on the repeater channel using either the CTCSS or DCS tone that the repeater requires as its “Input” tone. Transmissions received by the repeater that don’t include the correct tone are ignored. For instructions on how to set your CTCSS or DCS tones, your instruction manual is your best reference. I don’t have an MXT400. Maybe someone who has one can answer more specific questions.
  12. Exactly! You beat me to it. It’s not like there’s a barrier of any kind.
  13. Try this: https://duvalaresjax.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/nvisBook.pdf Also, here’s the attachment: nvisBook.pdf
  14. Try this: https://duvalaresjax.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/nvisBook.pdf Also, because I’m working with a tablet, it’s not easy for me to save the file here. It might be easier for you.
  15. Had he saved it as a file instead of linking to it, it might still be available. Or you can use the “way back machine”…
  16. It probably wasn’t four years ago when he posted it.
  17. When you’re transmitting to the repeater you’re transmitting on 467.xxx MHz. When you’re transmitting simplex you’re transmitting on 462.xxx MHz. The SWR when transmitting at 462 MHz could be vastly different at 467 MHz.
  18. SWR is measured when transmitting. For repeaters that’s 5 MHz higher 467.xxx MHz.
  19. Statistically speaking, the statement that “most repeaters require permission” is false because for this entire site 917 repeaters are open whereas only 436 require permission. Therefore most repeaters do not require permission.
  20. For purposes of planning the following should be remembered: Nearly all of what you wish to accomplish in your 1 mile diameter neighborhood can be accomplished with FRS radios. ONLY higher powered base stations and portables will require GMRS licenses. $35 GMRS licenses are good for 10 years. You don’t need the most expensive GMRS radios, but neither should you rely on the cheapest. Amazon prices for radios are frequently considerably higher than dealer direct prices. Shop at Buytwowayradios.com or Radioddity or wait for sales at Midland. Standardizing on a few different models will make training easier and will make it easier to help each other. You’ll have users of widely different interest, aptitude, and experience so you must be able to help each other. Look for radios that have very simple interfaces. Think in terms of training your grandparents how to program a VCR. It’s not going to happen.
  21. (2) Any individual who holds an individual license may allow his or her immediate family members to operate his or her GMRS station or stations. Immediate family members are the licensee's spouse, children, grandchildren, stepchildren, parents, grandparents, stepparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and in-laws.
  22. No, for two reasons: NEW business licenses are no longer available for GMRS. Neither are government licenses The only new licenses available are individual licenses but they cover your entire family.
  23. Current is expressed in amperes or milliamperes. Capacity is expressed in ampere hours (Ah) or milliampere hours (mAh). It’s common to confuse the two, but it’s incorrect. A battery with a 4000 mAh capacity may be able to deliver 5000 mA (5 amps) for a short period.
  24. Marc, Thanks for doing this. I hope you have fun with it. I don’t have anything of value to add. I know you’ll do a good job. Steve
  25. Antennas are the most interesting subject in radio. Enjoy the video. There are lots of good videos out there.
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