Hello! First post on any forum and recently got my GMRS license too, So needless to say I'm excited to get out there!
I have gotten a Kenwood radio for myself to adventure in GMRS thanks to this forum and it's been a good little unit. Now just a few days ago I was out at my states surplus sale where they sell old desktop pcs, furniture, cars ect. Well they had a Motorola APX7000 on the shelf with no battery, antenna or anything, and I bought it on its circulation sale for $500. Before I go crazy and get a battery, charger, antenna and have programmed by someone, I would like to ask if it would be a radio I can use on GMRS and repeaters. I know this kind of question gets asked a lot and I'd hate to add to that annoyance but I've done the better part of my do diligence in research but I'm still left asking. It doesn't have a front display or keypad for FPP, just the top screen like my Kenwood. I've tried to find any forum posts relating to APX on GMRS here and on other websites but I've come up short. It operates on UHF in the lower band, 380-470mhz. I mainly got it because of the price and if I can use it, then great! If not, then I can try to sell it for a profit. Win win for me. If I need to give more details then I can try my best to, otherwise let me know!