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  1. Yeah, conditions have been crazy good lately. I was listening last night on my wife’s mobile to an unfamiliar group, on a usually quiet channel. Got home, turned on my HT, and heard them loud and clear in the house. Caught a call sign, looked it up, and figured out it was a repeater about 90 miles away. So, what the heck, I went upstairs, hooked up my HT to a N9TAX roll up, and keyed up. HELLO? Hello! I was hearing them, and was heard full quieting. Chatted for about an hour, conditions shifted, and could not reach them. Still heard them. That is unheard of in Florida. We don’t even have mole hills to get any height advantage.
  2. I’m looking for a roll up antenna recommendation for my GMRS HTs. Who has used what, with what kind of results? Good and bad.
  3. I stand korectdid.
  4. Come on. If you can’t say it right, at least spell it right. Majigahurts. Jeez. ?
  5. Well, there are several groups working on Tampa to Orlando. Last I heard, it’s almost ready, working out the bugs. Stay tuned.
  6. Welcome from another relatively new person in Florida. Just to your north
  7. Got a new HT, charged it up, and started playing with it. Normally, I hear crickets, or kids playing with bubble wraps. Not tonight. Long conversations on 462.650, obviously on a repeater. All well and good, except… There are no repeaters on that frequency near me. Signal was fading in and out. Finally got the repeater id and tracked it down. It belongs to a repeater 130 miles (as the crow flys) away. On a tower about 330 ft. I’m in Florida, so its is relatively flat. I’m new to the radio game, but I’m thinking I was picking up tropospheric ducting this evening. What say you experts?
  8. You laugh. That’s how I felt. And, honestly, i had not had one drop to drink. Promise.
  9. On 2-5-22, I was on the forum, and punched up the repeater map. Going to be camping this month, and wanted to see if I had any repeaters near my destination programmed into my radio. Lo and behold, there was a new repeater on the map. Ocala 600? And it’s an open system, so great. I was out at the moment, made a mental note to check when I go home and program the radios. Got home, it’s gone? Yep, not there. You repeater owners, would there be a reason for that? It’s a new repeater, I even checked the off line listings. Even if it was just testing, would you list it as such, or list it offline? I’ll check the mailing tomorrow for updates,
  10. For the OP Took a minute and went to your website. This seems to be an as yet unresolved problem (saw the gnashing of teeth comment) As someone who goes through the Tampa area occasionally, I’m watching this closely,. One thing I noticed is that the information here (mygmrs) has not been updated in about a year, is it still current? Though this is a bit of a zombie thread, it’s still good to know, as this is ongoing.
  11. I must say, that sounds like something I would like to see a picture of. Please do post pictures
  12. Thanks for the help. Struggled more figuring out the process than I did programming the radio. Going to be a work in progress, as I have several permission requests on repeaters pending. I managed to turn back on the annoying key pad beep, I’ll have to figure out were in the computer programming that is and fix that! That, and the voice guide I can do without. Went into the radio and got rid of those pronto. This is a good preliminary start. I’ve got a 9 pro on back order, that will be more of a challenge. But this helped me understand the process. That, and the help you provided, thanks again. Edit to add: Well, it’s take less than 24 hours for me to determine I want to arrange things differently. Decided to go with a more strict geographic, i.e. by the interstate road, listing. But, that’s OK, I’m sure I’ll change it several times before I settle in on a strategy I like.
  13. Something went sideways with the work crew today. Heard an shouted Oh, Sh*T! Then someone was doing roll call to check on everyone. Someone apparently didn’t answer, and one guy say him, and with his mic still keyed holler “get on the radio and tell the boss your are OK!.” As if he did not just do that. Then there were a couple of discussions from the paintball field about “Your dead!” “No, I’m not!” And variations on that. As I said, it was entertaining. Oh, and to add. Except for the one quoted above, there was no cursing or vulgar language. A pleasant surprise.
  14. It’s been mostly crickets on the radio for me. Got one HT just before Christmas, one of backorder. Little bit of chatter from the kids with their new radios at Christmas. Even took the radio to a neighboring town that has a repeater. Keyed up the repeater several times, no response to radio check. Did hear the repeater ID. And then today. A work crew nearby, moving something big into a tight spot. Plus, war games at the nearby paintball field. This went on for hours, more chatter than I’ve heard for almost a month. So, people are out there. Mostly on FRS, but there is life.
  15. Got in cable, software to program my HT. Any suggestions, hints,ideas, things to avoid? Obviously don’t screw up the radio would be #1. Biggest thing is I don’t want to find out 6 months later it would have been easier had I done something a particular way now. My initial goal is to put in some repeaters, some freq I want to monitor. What have you found helpful for you? Or something you did that you found was a PIA.
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