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Everything posted by PartsMan

  1. I have a gm-30 with dual watch on order that should be here tomorrow. I was thinking. It is able to scan some ham frequencies. If my friend who is a ham can listen to gmrs frequencies is there any reason we cannot communicate using two different frequencies? I legally transmit gmrs and he listens. He legally transmits on ham and I listen.
  2. I still haven't gotten a mobile yet but I did order a GM-30 with a keypad. I will see how much I use it.
  3. Thank all of you for the input.
  4. I am new to GMRS. My kids gave me a pair of GXT1000g for Christmas and I have started shopping for a mobile for my pickup. I have not been able to find any repeaters in my area so I will likely be simplex only. Do I want or need a keypad? I keep thinking the ones on the mic will be in the way more than I will use them.
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