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About WROZ286

  • Birthday 10/02/1974

Profile Information

  • Name
    Marvin Miller
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    st louis mo

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  1. I just got my kg-935g today so I will be working with it to see what it can do. Im sure I will like it if all the reviews are ture......73 WROZ286
  2. Thanks for the response it's on backorder now so the anticipation is real if you know what I mean can't wait to get it in my hands
  3. I would like to know what people think of the KG-935g I just ordered one and and I would like to know if I made a good purchase
  4. WROZ286

    GMRS vs HAM

    before i got my license i thought ham and gmrs was basicly the same and to some point they are well the way i would like to use mine in both ways to meet new people and for family or am i missing the point of GMRS. that is why i will be getting my amature also just to cover my basis... i'm new still learning........lol
  5. yeah i think thats the one i have lol maybe
  6. yeah i know i do have two diffrent types of adapters to use but i think i will end up getting an antenna for the gm-30 just to be safe like you said it will put more stress on it i got the adapters when i got my qyt ky-8900t mobile unit with a tram 1185 mag mount. yes i got the gd-77 on dmr but it's not fully programed yet but i not worried just yet for dmr because i need my tech first but i am very excited to get it going i heared good things about dmr and d-star
  7. oh yeah i forgot i also have two baofeng uv-5r radios that i do have nagoya whip on that i will exchange from the uv-5r to the gm-30 once i get the hex tool thanks for the info i would really love for you to help me out with my gd-77 and codeplugs i am just listening now on my gd-77 i manage to program a local talk group in now but i disalbed the tx function on it and i use it in monitor mode and i just started to follow you also hope it ok thanks
  8. i am using a radioddity gm-30 i do know how to program it but couldn't find any repeaters in my area but did look at the list you sent to me and will try that i all so would like to get my tech license also i also have a radioddity gd-77 digital radio and all my family my to sons and my wife all have the gm-30 i also drive taxi and i have a QYT kt-8900t tri-bander and i have been on hamstudy to help me study for the test i keep booming getting 20-24 out of 35 not looking good for me lol and i do thank you for all your help i will try to drive around to see if i can hit them or not ......i also using the rubber duck stock on the gm-30 i do have a diffrent one to put on radio but i need a tool to take off the rubber duck antenna marvin WROZ286
  9. i thank you for your reply but the west overland is close to me but i think it is not working excuse the wording but it's not open yhe ones under the one with joplin mo they are close i just may have to monitor them and see comes of them thank you
  10. i'm new to gmrs and i live in st louis mo. and it seems that i can't find a local repeater in my area i'm very confused lol
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