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  1. Adding to my previous reply, for those who do not know what a screenreader is, it is a piece of software that can be installed, or is already installed on computers, mobile devices, and tablets, that allow visually impaired or blind users to navigate the device independently. The software has a text to speech engine on it, which, when doing different gestures tells you what icon you are on, or what you are doing. However, not all apps are compatible with a screenreader, meaning, they’re not coded to work properly with a screenreader on a mobile device or computer. This is why, many visually impaired or blind users, like myself, reach out to developers to make this fix. However, some do not know how to fix this, so they have to reach out to organizations for the Blind, such as National Federation Of The Blind.
  2. Guys, let me make something clear. So I use a screenreader, which tells me what’s on the screen, and I can read Braille and type. As long as everything is talking on a computer like a Mac, Windows, or iPhone, I’m good to go. Screen readers are not perfect, and will not explain pictures perfectly. I’m not mad or anything, just clearing things up here. Blind people can read, just differently than cited people can.
  3. So I need to download the tapatalk app? The reason why I am asking, is because I am completely blind, and it is not explaining, my screen reader, the screenshot what I need to do.
  4. So I need to download the tapatalk app?
  5. Hi everyone, I have a small repeater using a Raspberry Pi with the USB Duplex repeater from hotspotradios.com. Users can connect to it using the node number I provide to those who request access. My question is this. Is it legal to have the repeater linked through zello and if so, how is it done? I have an extra Raspberry Pi lying around, so I wonder if that would work since both of them have line-in ports? If this is the case, will someone please direct me to a reliable source to get this done? Thanks So Muchh.
  6. Hi everyone, I got it figured out. You can now request access and when accepted, I will provide the node number in the notes when you receive the "request accepted" email.
  7. Hi everyone, I have a USB Hotspot duplex device purchased from hotspotradios.com, and I have this connected to a Raspberry Pi. I have already configured the units, and both are working great! My question is this. I want the ability to have simplex nodes to connect to it so they can talk on this miniature repeater. I am having trouble with this. I have already configured port forwarding on the router by the following: 1. I logged into the admin portal of the router and went to the port forwarding/port triggering setting and selected port forwarding. 2. I created a new custom service, and in the name/description I put "GMRS Raspberry Pi1", for this example. In the internal and external ports, both are set to 4569. For the internal IP address range, I put, for example, I saved changes and restarted the router. Then I did a test by connecting one of my other simplex nodes on a separate WiFi network we have but no success. Am I missing something? Do I need to configure a file that allows connections from other nodes? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Hi, I was wondering if any updates are available for the repeater to be increased for range. If not, I understand totally do to funding and costs. However, I have a suggestion, although I am not sure how this would work. Could you somehow connect a node to your repeater so that those who want to access the repeater using a hotspot node can dial into? I myself have a hotspot node and it actually comes in quite handy. I got mine from hotspotradios.com.
  9. Hi, I am new here and wanted to get more into GMRS. Unfortunately, I did live in Kansas, but moved for specific reasons. I have a hotspot node and was wondering if there is a node/hub number I can connect my hotspot node to when I want to jump onto the repeater. Hopefully I am making sense.
  10. Hello everyone, I was trying to connect my hotspot node to broadnet Systems, but it does not seem to want to connect. I get no error or confirmation that it did or did not work. I tried connecting to another hub and it works fine. Is the repeater/hub down or being worked on?
  11. Hey all, So I was just wondering, when you go to submit your repeater on MyGMRS, I noticed that there are settings for permission required, members only, etc. However, I noticed another setting called, react only. What exactly is this? Is this meaning it is using a simplex node, or is it something different? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. OK everyone, so I have figured it out. So to connect to another node, meaning a repeater system that has a node that you can connect to, these are the instructions that I were told. Let’s say, for example, you want to connect to a node, node number, 1234. To connect your node to the other one, you would enter, *3 1234. Then, after you are done, talking on that system, to disconnect from that node, you enter *1 1234. Not sure if that applies for all the nodes, but for the one I’m getting, that’s how you do it.
  13. Hello everyone, so I have a question. I’m thinking about getting a hotspot radio from hotspotradios.com. Once the note is connected to the Internet, and I can access it, how do I disconnect and connect to other repeaters? Let’s say I use zello to talk to a GMRS repeater that isn’t in my area, but I want to use my handheld to talk to it. I’ve been told that you can use the node to connect to it. For example, let’s say the node I want to connect to uses node number 1234. So, when I connect to it what do I need to do, and after I am done, how do I disconnect from it, so it’s back to a simplex node? I hope my question makes sense.
  14. Hello, I am trying to look for some GMRS repeaters in Ohio. There was one, but it has not been put back up for a while, because I think the owner is still working on it. Unfortunately there are no repeaters near me, that are in use quite a bit. The only ones that I could find, were in West Virginia, which is about 15 miles away from where I live, and no one is really on there. I really wish there were more repeaters around or near me that I could use, or that are linked to other repeaters that I could talk to other GMRS users. What do you all recommend? As of this post, I am still in school, getting my degree, and cannot afford a repeater at this time. I am also still living at home.
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