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  1. Sure will. Hunt begins.
  2. Thanks. Was hoping to use this old unit till I get my hands on a newer one. Soo much to choose from. It more of a want and need on my side.
  3. Wanted to find if anyone can help me setup a FT-1807 to communicate through a repeater. Repeater DCS numbers are 271 and 73(if I want to just hear filtered traffic) From what I know. it can only be setup with single DCS code. So, I am able to set the DCS code to 271 or 73 in order to listen in or talk to it. Is there anyway, I can set it to talk to it using DCS, but listen in as Simplex(will have to live with all traffic on that frequency) I do have the programming cable and the Windows software to interface to the unit. Any suggestions? Thanks
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