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  1. Thanks all!
  2. Shoot. Looks like the converter I was thinking of purchasing wouldn’t cover it. Input rated at 5v 2A and output at 12v .8A. Thanks.
  3. No. I’m going to use it in the car. My cigarette lighter port is being used by something else, but my car has a lot of usb ports available. So I was going to buy a “usb to cigarette converter”. The input of the converter is 5v 2A and the output is 12v 0.8A. The max stated watts is 8 watts. I wasn’t sure if that was enough to run the radio. Here is the link to the product: USB A Male to 12V Car Cigarette Lighter Socket Female Converter Cable (8W Max) https://a.co/d/dJI8JUt
  4. That makes sense, thank you.
  5. USB A Male to 12V Car Cigarette Lighter Socket Female Converter Cable (8W Max) https://a.co/d/ghPnHLR
  6. I purchased the battery eliminator (dummy battery with cigarette lighter plug) for the UV9GX. It is rated for 12v input and outputs 7.9v. I am looking to purchase a usb to female cigarette port adapter, however they all appear to be rated at no more than 8-10w use. Would that be enough to power the radio? I’m unsure of how many watts or amps it will pull from the adapter.
  7. Reception was fine. Continuity was fine within the antenna cable. So I went to look at the antenna specifically and under close examination the cylindrical "cover" had displaced from the base... it's a midland 3db short stubby antenna. I was able to remove the cover completely and see the wiring inside. I'm unsure if this is what caused the issued but I re-glued the cover down to the base and the radio is back to normal. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. Glad my radio wasn't toast.
  8. No, I have a deep cycle AGM battery so it stays full even after long periods of inactivity. Car started right up. Good thought though!
  9. Purchased July 2021. Missed it by a month. Will check with them regardless if the other suggestions don’t pan out.
  10. I will check this tomorrow! Great tip.
  11. I have the Wouxun KG1000G radio mounted to one of my cars which doesn’t see much use unless we are traveling. The radio has worked very well up until today. I haven’t used it in a while but decided to turn it on just for kicks. When I tried to transmit the signal was not going out, instead the radio’s internal fan kicked on and stayed on indefinitely. The fan typically only kicks on when I transmit. I tried a reset and got the same thing. Nothing has changed in the vehicle since last time I used the radio 4 or so months ago. Antenna seems solid on the mount as it’s always been. No antenna cable damage apparent. Again, nothing has changed in the car… it’s been parked for 4 months or so. Any ideas?
  12. Thank you all, lots to learn!
  13. I ordered a KG-UV9G and the Wouxun ELO-004 V2 BTE-9 12V Battery Eliminator Cigarette Lighter Plug. Has anyone successfully converted the cigarette lighter plug to USB? I would like to run this radio plugged into my car full time. There is a USB plug readily available next to where I would mount radio.
  14. Reviving this old thread to see if someone can give me a precise measurement of the distance between the screw holes. I’m working on a mounting solution for this same radio while I wait for mine to arrive. Thanks.
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