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  • Name
    John C
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  • Location
    Piedmont Triad NC

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  1. yeah, I would never have thought to run a repeater as narrowband (vs the 20kHz convention), but perhaps they have a reason or thought process. It would be interesting to hear why they run narrowband. I don't own a repeater and have never set one up, but I do enjoy bits of useless info! Let us know if you get any feedback.
  2. If you are transmitting wide band, you would probably sound a little loud and maybe scratchy or clipped to the narrow band receivers. (there you go 2 opposite answers!)
  3. The math is a great explanation of why more power doesn't always deliver what a user expects. It reminded me of a joke where the punch line includes "spherical cows in a vacuum" (iykyk)
  4. @intermod, any FCC, FEMA or other source for this, I'm interested to know more, thx
  5. cool, so I don't know this particular radio, but see the button VFO/MR? That selects between channels and frequency (MR is probably "Memory Recall" and VFO is "Variable Frequency Oscillator", or what humans call "tuning") it looks like you have some channels programmed already. use the arrow up and down to scroll through them. see if channel 015 shows the frequency 462.550 you can also select VFO and enter the numbers 462550 (should tune to that frequency) good luck!
  6. Hi WSDE521, let us know what radio you have so we can give you specific tips. I'm sure you'll be able to get up to speed quickly. I don't live near you, but I did see this ham club that might be able to help you for local info: https://w4gs.org/ Use the map feature (on mygmrs.com) to find a local repeater like this one: https://mygmrs.com/repeater/1675 If you live in the green circle, click the blue button on that page to request access. You can listen in to see if there is activity by tuning into 462.550mhz (channel 15), but you will only be able to listen. to talk, you'll need to program the repeater channel using tones. once you tell us your radio, someone will be able to tell you how to program the radio for that repeater. take your time and read the manual. -jc
  7. The reset probably removed the specific tone for the repeater. try adding the proper transmit tone to the the channel.
  8. WRPG745

    GRMS Needed?

    (assuming this is not a troll) I cannot think of anyone who off-roads who doesn't at least consider getting a radio in addition to their cell phone. If you are overlanding, I assume you are pretty self sufficient and getting high centered or somehow otherwise stuck on a trail is no big deal. Perhaps you tear a hole in your gas tank, oops. there's a zillion ways you might need help or just want the lowdown on what's around. Radios might help. do you need a GMRS radio? who knows?! what region are you offroading? are you with friends, ever need spotting on the trail? hand signals, yelling out the window work pretty well. have you thought about CB? what worries you and makes you consider it in the first place?
  9. WRPG745

    Baofen uv82

    If you have the right programing for your uv82 and people don't respond to your transmission, there are a few common reasons to troubleshoot: They may be intentionally ignoring you They could be using CTSS or DCS codes and don't hear you Your signal is weak and they don't hear you Their reception is weak and they don't hear you Can you communicate between the uv82 and the db20g? (you already know you are in violation of FCC rules for using the amateur radio on GMRS, a lot of people do it anyway)
  10. Hi Ziggidy, sounds like a good start! You should look to get the USB adapter for your Macbook. it will make programing both radios the same much easier. (for me, I have both a conventional USB adapter as well as the Multiport adapter) If you have a newer laptop, you probably need the USB C version (linked here) or (linked here). You still want to know how to program your radios manually but having software programing is helpful when you have multiple radios WRXP381 is correct on your answers, so you are covered there... -jc
  11. eSIM... my t-moble account has a $100 a month service for unlimited international on 2 phones. (i believe it covers both eSIM and SIM) I'll bet a set of burner phones would be similar in cost, but even if more, you don't have to worry about losing them!
  12. Have you considered burner phones or travel sim cards for your own cell? check your carrier for international sim cards to use for roaming, you might need more than one for all the places you want to go (Japan vs China).
  13. wow, this is getting good... (lol, there is no right way to radio...)
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