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  1. Yep not planning to do anything illegal or non type accepted with it. It's going to sit in my shack as a receiver, why? Because I can lol. As far as asking to program it, nope Not my style, I'd rather send it off. I'm well aware of the slow programming process as we did a lot of these at our departments radio repair/garage. Only got it for nostalgic purposes lol And I know tech'ing these radios is a dying art.
  2. Yep, it's dos based software lol By the time I locate a dos computer, obtain the software and cable, I'll gladly pay a shop to program it. Like I said , I have a sentimental attachment to these radios so it's worth every penny
  3. Hello everyone I recently acquired a syntor x9000. Now before everyone starts to groan uncontrollably lol, I worked many years in law enforcement as a dispatcher and have somewhat of a sentimental attachment to this radio. I understand it requires eeprom programming which is becoming a dying art lol. Anyone know of a shop in the modwest that could program the eeprom for me? I'm also trying to figure out which of the wires/ pins on the back of the head unit are for the external speaker.
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