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Everything posted by PastorGary

  1. Please look at the first and second units at the top in the following link as a possibility. These are not (yet) Part 95 type accepted but neither are half of the commercial radios being used on GMRS. The Part 90 UHF equipment standards are nearly identical to the Part 95 standards, but use at your own discretion. Click >>> http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=kg-uvd1p&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=7287388581&hvpos=1t2&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7157974081546864570&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&ref=pd_sl_9r1djcp252_b
  2. Thanks... It also looks as if the Wouxun portables that are Part 90 type accepted will also be suitable for MURS because the radios are selectable narroband or wideband depending upon frequency as well as power programmable. Does anyone remember if ICOM has any MURS radios?
  3. There seems to be many Kenwood TKR-820 repeaters available now that narrowbanding of Part 90 equipment is mandatory. The TKR-820 is a tried and true workhorse and a quick GOOGLE search showed several pages of these units for sale. The synthisizer chip must be programmed using a Kenwood KPT20 or KPT50 interface box - which are scarce, but are still around if you look for them. A single antenna and properly tuned duplexer will probably get you what you need for the group's communications. Please refer to Part 95.179b2 for Association requirements.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. If you go to the main website and log in, the alphabetical state repeater list is kept up to date by Rich and as changes occur (and there are many each year) those updates are placed in that listing. Many systems on the list are OPEN and the data is there for you to view, once you log in. Since the main website is scanned by search engine spybots each day, having CTCSS or other access codes posted without security log in would not be a good idea from an unauthorized usage standpoint for the repeater owners. While the current protocol of requesting temporary permission for some repeaters may be less than prompt in some cases, it is the most secure way of handling those temporary permissions. If you are going on a trip, simply allow yourself the required time to get the permissions from the owners before you leave.
  5. In addition to the Motorola SP-10 and the Motorola Spirit III hand helds, can anyone add to the list of older pre-programmed MURS capable radios that you may have or possibly know about ? Thank you.
  6. John - Thank you for the two updates. PastorGary
  7. Thanks, John - Very glad that you found our new home here. Please let anyone know in your area who was on the old forum that we are here with a solid trouble free forum platform now. Thank you and we'll be awaiting the updates...
  8. John, if you happen to see this post - please log in and continue with your N.Y. system updates. Rich was unable to salvage the posts in the other forum due to some tech issues with it, but you can start fresh here. Thanks.
  9. Rich - We appreciate the efforts that you have done lately to supply a solid platform for the Forum. While everyone will have to follow your instructions in the advisory pinned above this post of mine, it will be a much better place to exchange info from now on. Thanks again... PastorGary
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