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About wb2dyb

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  1. I have three of the RT10's. They do work. RX sensitivity pretty good. TX power is lower than my 6580's but it seems adequate for what I needed them for, use within repeater useful range. TX audio is ok, RX has some strange audio expander, like with M's "hear clear". Does not do "squelch tail elimination" when talking into one of my 927 Quantar repeaters. It is also DMR and does that very well. So for a sub-$100 radio its ok. I'd still make my primary portable a XPR6580 though. Mobiles I use 35 Watt MCS2000's and for repeaters, Motorola Quantar. GeorgeC W2DB/WQYN409 Crowley, TX
  2. Hey all, just looked thru here for the answer and cannot find it...but...what linking method are you using? I see reference to zello but I don't know that to be a linking method. I have been using Allstar Link since 2009 for amateur repeaters and have built up at least 15 systems, currently have 3 working for me (one 927 Quantar to go at Cedar Hill TX(Dallas) very soon. Are you using this software (Asterisk is the basic structure)? I have at least one Motorola Quantar 110 watt repeater I'd love to deploy if I can find a site. BTW, I gave up on Raspberry Pi because of the way it handles the USB audio, very choppy at times. I moved to HP "thin client" PC's with 16GB SSD's. I use Masters Comms USB audio interfaces. Thanks for any input. GeorgeC W2DB/WQYN409 Crowley, TX
  3. Two things, I put a splat! server on line at http://splat.dyb.com Not rally thrilled with the software, I did add the feature to generate a kmz file to overlay on Google Earth. And then there's Visual LMR http://www.dxzone.com/dx29236/visuallmr.html This one works well. George Csahanin W2DB WQEU782 Cedar Park, TX
  4. One of my project radios is a Motorola APCOR box. Basically a 463 mhz EMS portable repeater, like the orange box you see int he old TV show Emergency. The only issue is that the duplexer is connected with real small rigid coax and it is upside down frequency-wise. It receives 463, transmits 468. But the duplexer isn't symmetrical, it's like 4 notch cavities one side and three teh other. In a duplexer you (most of the time) need to keep the frequency sense the same, one port always the lower, one the higher, regardless what's hooked to it. But the point is that these are self contained and have nicads in them. If you can find an APCOR unit it can be a pretty good portable repeater. They came in 1 watt and 12 watt versions. Oh yeah, the radios are a pair of MX300's. And those are plentiful on ebay, for making portable repeaters. George Csahanin W2DB WQEU782 Cedar Park, TX
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