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Posts posted by JeremiahBarlow

  1. Ok I have this Vertex Standard EVX-R70 repeater.   The ebay seller tuned the duplexer perfect for me for an extra fee.   It took me a minute to find the correct software for programming it with wideband. (I attached that software for the next fellow that needs it)  You will need a programming cable also.  I purchased mine off ebay, and it works fine.

    First Question: I need to know next is what is the setting called .... that keeps the repeater transmitting a few seconds after the HTs have stopped transmitting?   What is this setting called?  Is it called "Group Call Hang Time", or "Private Call Hang Time" ?

    Next Question:  Do these repeaters have the ability to automatically repeat on any or all of the GMRS channels if all are in the Zone1 list?

    Last Question: (for today at least):  How does this Ethernet port work on these Vertex Standard EVX-R70 repeaters?   I understand networking computers, but this doesn't make sense to me.


  2. @JeepCrawler98, I finally got my connector to connect from N to SMA so I can test the radio transmit without the duplex. See attached image.  This is the power output without the duplexer, as compared to the picture from a few post back that had the duplexer.   I didn't see any power setting switch in the software.    I was having trouble receiving a signal,,, and this is showing really low power output as well.  Oh, and by the way, it's not the coax nor antenna because I still have that same smaller coax connected to a 40W repeater (Vertex EVX-R70) and it works nicely.   So it is something to do with this little Retevis RT97.


  3. We are still twinking with this little repeater, and learning.   So my SWR meter arrived and I connected it between the repeater and antenna.  This is what I got. (see picture)   Not sure what it means, other than the 1.02 seems right.   The question is the 0.698w is that the incoming power?  Is this because my coax is small?   (My LMR-400 is still coming.)  What else can I learn from this?


  4. gortex2,

    Ok, I ordered some LMR400 (yes we are about 25'-35' long cable).

    Generally how do you tune those white fiberglass antennas?  Do I need to get me an SWR meter?

    Here is what the antenna looks like: https://www.amazon.com/HYS-Dual-Band-Heavy-Duty-Fiberglass-UHF-Female/dp/B0956XKGC5

    The duplexer inside the repeater is a: Jiesai duplexer sgq-450x with SMA connectors (10-20W small little thing)   I have a nephew coming to check out the duplexer tuning with his fancy tools next weekend.

    I have enough knowledge to program the frequencies and tones and bandwidth settings, etc.   I think it's cable and antenna issues.

    Hey, do connector types make a difference   type N vs PL-259 ?

    By the time I'm done I may have a different antenna, different cable, and a different repeater! ?  That's part of the tuition of learning.

    Thank you so much for your help.

  5. gortex2,

    Thank you. I just now took my Digital Multimeter and tested for continuity, it's not shorted. I also tried testing ohms but not sure what I'm doing it just read LOW on every ohms scale. 

    Also I took a picture of the cable.  The antenna is an 8db omni antenna (about 7' long white one 3 pcs screwed together  with also 3 prongs at the base, seems like a good quality antenna)

    What testing equipment do I need?


  6. Hey, somewhat new to radios and repeater tuning.

    After getting my GMRS approval, I purchased a simple repeater here:   https://www.retevis.com/rt97-portable-gmrs-repeater-mobile-repeater?utm_source=GA&utm_medium=AD_K&utm_campaign=RT97&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0umSBhDrARIsAH7FCoefvNzaDiFF1Wj9bfswXlGTClsKp-DKQBf_nJAnSMcuh8SqChgp-4YaAkc3EALw_wcB#A9150CX1-C9196AX1-C9123AX1

    Then I mounted it on my brother's 25' Rohn tower and connected it all up,,,,but ...

    I have to be within a 300 feet of the repeater to get it to receive any signal.   It transmits fine but has trouble receiving.   We are using Baofeng UV-9R and they are connecting with each other at farther distances than the repeater can receive.   It seems quite frustrating for common knowledge.   I need someone with more wisdom to help me out.

    I believe one of the follow could be the issue:

    • The antenna could be faulty .... (not likely because it was a good quality looking, however I haven't ruled that out yet)
    • The cable ends may have issues (there again, the repeater can transmit well if I am standing next to it and someone else is at a distance talking to me on a cell phone, they can hear but when they transmit back nothing comes in.)
    • The duplexer built into this little repeater may be faulty
    • The duplexer may be off tune (I don't yet have the tools to tune it)
    • The final issues is, I may have purchased the wrong repeater!    Don't laugh at me, this was my first repeater and I was trying to go cheap.  I am learning the cheap often cost more in time and effort and money! 
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