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Ringo's Achievements

  1. Thank you all, this is great help!
  2. Great, thank you!
  3. In my case the DLP is different, so I should use DTCS>DTCS cross mode?
  4. I am new to GMRS and radios in general. I reached out for approval to a local repeater and was given the details, but I am a bit unsure how to translate that to CHIRP. Here is what I was given: TX 467.625 DPL XXX / RX 462.625 DPL XXX. In CHIRP I am programming a DIY channel (frequency 467.625000 with a +5 offset). For the DLP, I am trying to set the DTCS code and the DTCS Rx code, but it only lets me set one. Also, the DTCS poll gets set to NN, is that what I want? Sorry for a newbie question.
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