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Everything posted by Newb

  1. Just a suggestion, slap a magnetic mount up there to see if there is any interference. Since the radio units in cars now a days have sooo much built into them, security, GPS, AM, FM etc. you might want to put the radio through it's paces while transmitting to make sure the receiver in the car radio is tight enough to filter out the RF from the GMRS radio. Is there a second antenna on the vehicle for AM, FM, remote start and door locking?
  2. I'm am not a programmer but it sure would be nice if this app was re-written in Java or written for Arduino. Java apps run on any OS and hardware platform. Arduino is a cheaper less complex hardware base.
  3. 350, It's supply and demand. If legit suppliers don't have product and the price is higher from a different vendor, the price has increased. The value of a product depends on what the buyer is willing to pay. It's just like the current housing market, houses selling for much more than they are worth.
  4. radioisnecessary, I have a 3 B V1.2 I will send you if we can connect. #s are too slow for my projects.
  5. I"ll check to see if I have a 3 laying around and let you know.
  6. Well, that tells you how long I have been away from the Pi world, I just looked at the web site above and the latest version Pi OS is 11 (bullseye)
  7. I just noodled the MyGMRS site and I don't find specification that says it has to be a Pi 2 or 3. They say if you have your own Pi you can get a pre-loaded SD card configured with the OS and software. I'd call them and ask about a later model of Pi. I believe the latest version of Pi is Buster.
  8. Out of curiosity, what app will you be loading on the Pi?
  9. Check this site. I believe you will find the latest and greatest OS works on all prior hardware. There is no specific OS for a Pi 3. https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/
  10. Noticed someone mentioned "not water proof". I have 2 Baofeng GMRS-9R that are supposed to be water proof to 1 meter. IP67 I believe is the designation. They are great, they work with CHIRP. Just ordered a 3rd one. They have several DIY channels.
  11. I'm not sure why you need a 3 b+ since the 4 series is out with more memory and a faster processor. The 3 a is old and is slug slow. All the RPis have 4 USB ports and one RI45 . The newer versions have 2 USB 2 ports and 2 USB 3 (blue) ports. I believe the 4 series is has 10/100 ethernet. I stopped using Pis when the price went to $139. You can buy a bare bones mini computer that will run Linux for the same price and they don't need cooling fans and heat sinks if they are working hard. I too am new to the repeater side so I hope this helps.
  12. OK, I don't know what happened but I was just mobile on Linc 725 and heard a call for a radio check. I thought either he will hear me ,,,,or NOT! He heard me and he was talking about the same problem as mine. Sounds like the repeater got rebooted. He said he checked the net link and there was a problem in Indiana also. My better half heard the convo and said she heard the entire convo load and clear. Makes me happy!! Thanks to EVERYONE for the help! Newb
  13. Tried hitting the repeater from the mobile and I can hit the repeater but no modulation. The repeater is Illinois, Lincoln 725 which I have heard for weeks but just requested and received access about a week ago. It is a net connected repeater. It is connected to several repeaters in Indiana.
  14. 629- Set with CHIRP and verified with key pad. 250 - No mic gain on these units. I just got off work and am going to do more testing. I'm beginning to think the idea of repeater problem is correct. I'm going to check the repeater with the mobile and see if the better half can hear me on an HT.
  15. 629- Set with CHIRP and verified with key pad. 250 - No mic gain on these units. I just got off work and am going to do more testing. I'm beginning to think the idea of repeater problem is correct. I'm going to check the repeater with the mobile and see if the better half can hear me on an HT.
  16. Separate channels are programmed, 725 for the repeater and 600 for simplex. All GMRS channels are set to WIDE, both simplex and repeater. Can't reach another repeater, the next closest one is 50 miles away. I was told about an hour ago on a transmission through the repeater that my Roger beep is fine, speech is low. I have 2 of these HTs and they are both doing the same thing.
  17. Modulation on GMRS-9R HT is low on repeater but great on simplex, what am I missing?
  18. Mystery solved!!! There appears to be a new repeater in my area, Lincoln 725! I have requested access to it. The published range covers me quite well which I can attest to from a loud clear signal 28 miles away.
  19. I follow your YT channel! Great stuff and it led me to buy the GMRS-9R that I was listening to. How would I be hearing the repeater net if I don't have a repeater in range of my HT?
  20. I'm sitting in my living room listening to my GMRS-9R on GMRS-22. I'm hearing call signs from ALL over the US. The closest repeater that I'm aware of is 45 miles away with a published range of 30 miles. Is there any documentation on repeater nets that would explain how I'm hearing these conversations?
  21. My Baofeng USB cable for my GMRS-9R didn't like USB 3 Super Speed (Blue tab). I switched to the slower speed USB port and didn't have any more problems with Win 7 Pro. It seems that if the cable is NOT plugged into the USB 3 port and connected to the radio on boot, the port doesn't get recognized. Wondering if Win 10 has the same issues. With Linux Ubuntu I don't have the USB problem.
  22. Yep, Channel Mode is correct. It's just hard to understand.
  23. OK, that's likely correct and makes sense.
  24. Mine says "channel load". I was fighting a programming cable the wouldn't connect and didn't pay attention to the opening message. I don't remember it saying that. Guess I should just turn it off.
  25. Can anyone tell me what the opening voice message says on the UV-9G? I think mine changed after I used an off breed programing cable from Amazon.
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