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Everything posted by Newb

  1. Good to know, that verifies the meter that was giving me fits with SWR. The adjustment of the meter to correct the SWR caused the output to move from 12 watts to 18 watts.
  2. Again, Thanks for the help! Greatly appreciated! 3s from WRQD330.
  3. Excellent. The access hole in the rear of the meter was for the wattage. I opened the box and found a capacitor with long leads soldiered to the input (radio) side that was bent at a right angle. With the dummy load attached, and the meter set to infinity on the forward setting of the switch, move the switch to SWR and bent the cap until the needle just barely moved. Switched back to set position and was still at infinity. Reattached the antenna to the meter and checked for infinity. Switched to SWR and the reflected number on the meter with the antenna was 1.2:1 ON 467.625 slightly less on 462.625. I think I'm good. I saw 18 watts which I think I question from a 20 watt radio. I think my next investment is a better meter.
  4. The meter is analog so I will have to look for a calibration hole in the case.
  5. The dummy load arrive. The SWR meter shows 1.3:1 with the dummy load. I would say the Workman meter is at fault. So instead of 1.75:1, I would say I'm looking at 1.45:1 if the error is linear. Haven't been able to find anyone in my area to talk to on the radio for a radio check. We are expecting strong storms in the area this afternoon so I'm not sure how successful I will be in talking to anyone. The 1/4 wave antenna should be here tomorrow.
  6. I live in a small town so I haven't talked to anyone yet. Don't know anyone in town with GMRS but am watching for antennas. Good thought! I was hesitant to transmit with a 1.7 because I have seen talk in other forums about roasting radios with SWR of 2. I'm used to CB where 1:1 is no uncommon for me. I my check it out today with a proper radio check call.
  7. I purchased a Browning BR-450 for my DB20-G. I'm still working with it trying to get the SWR below 1.7:1. See the convo in the Technical section of this forum.
  8. I tried the software with Windows 10 and it chocked as usual so I loaded it on my trusty old Windows 7 machine and everything is working smooth as silk. The radio even seems to be more reliable from the WRITES from Win 7. I wish the had the software compatible with Ubuntu Linux.
  9. The dummy load has shipped and should be delivered tomorrow. I'll keep you informed.
  10. So I found the box that the antenna shipped in from Amazon. In the bottom corner stuck to a tail on the shipping tape was a plastic bag with a business card from the vendor AND a trim card! I have marked the freqs I am looking for and all the info for the antenna I have. It looks the same as the one I found on eBay except it has my model #. It doesn't make any difference but it does verify the specs.
  11. I thank you guys for all the help! This is a GREAT forum for help. I will check my Workman meter as soon as my dummy load arrives. I'm still looking for Browning cutting specs for my Model BR-450. Hope this entire convo helps someone else also. Appreciate all your help! 3's from WRQD330!
  12. Found this on eBay. I would be using the upper table, no spring, and a dimension between 11 and 1/4 and 11 and 9/16. I'm at 11 and 3/4. If I cut 1/16 off, I am almost at 2 SWR. I already have an intermediate rod at 11 and 9/16 that gives an SWR of above 2.
  13. wayoverthere, Just now got a dummy load coming for UHF. Will pickup a 1/4 wave to try. FrostyFruits, The feed line is running through the rear cab window which is down far enough to get the PL259 trough. This is a new radio and a new truck. The radio came with a lighter plug so for now that's how it's running. If this radio works for me I will put Anderson Power Poles on it and attach it to the master feed in the cab. The ground system in GM trucks after 1999 is not good to attach directly to the battery, too much alternator interference because the alternator feed goes to the battery. Doors closed engine running. This isn't my first rodeo with antennas, just my first one with UHF.
  14. The antenna didn't have any doc on designed freq out of the box. The as supplied SWR out of the box was 5:1. ?The antenna is a 5/8 over 5/8. Can the top section be trimmed or will the screw with the gain?
  15. In the center of the cab on a full size crewcab pickup. The instruction say to cut the bottom section. 467.6000. In the vehicle.
  16. I have a DB20-G, a Browning BR-450 mag mount and am using a Workman Mod.104 SWR/Power meter. I am on my second intermediate antenna rod section trying to get my SWR below 1.75:1. Any suggestions. When the SWR gets below 2:1, I take off 1/16 inch at a time. When I get below 1.75:1 another 1/16 inch puts me back to 2:1. Any suggestions?
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