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Everything posted by fe2o3

  1. UHF. Your link shows up as 'In Stock'.
  2. Hmmm... refresh the page, maybe? Mine says "in stock" and let me put it into my cart (and I deleted it). Make sure you've got the right model, CO01D.
  3. The "big deal" is that a Booofwang programming cable WILL work. PERIOD! The cables with chips in them are interchangeable. The only thing you need to have is the proper driver for you PC and OS. Many CCRs use fake chips anyhow so, again, you have to have the proper driver even if you have to use an old driver.
  4. Big deal! It's just another in a long list of USB->TTL Serial chips available.
  5. A regular USB to Booofwang K connector. https://jhart99.com/co01d-programming
  6. I've had one for a year or two. Wouldn't be my primary DMR radio, being without a display or keyboard, but i use it for testing. It works and the audio is fine. It's only a couple of watts output which is good for use with a hotspot. I'd print the memory contents onto a business card (or the like) and keep it affixed to the radio.
  7. No charge! Chalk it up to wishful thinking!
  8. I just looked and it said "SO-239 mount".
  9. Already have the paranoia?
  10. Any death that occurs from Hurricane Hillary will be ruled a suicide!
  11. You noticed that too.
  12. I hex edited the UV-5R's image file to enter 220 freq's before uploading to the radidio.
  13. Yes, I program NOAA Wx into all my radios that can receive those freq's, be they GMRS or HAM. It's handy if I go driving cross country. Here, north of Dallas, when the conditions are right, I can pick up NWS transmitters on all or most of the freq's.
  14. Just so long as it's not on Tuesday otherwise I get a little perturbed when the taco supply gets low!!!
  15. Hmmmm... My power readings were just for GMRS band. Guess I'll have to test the ham bands now since that's the mode I use the radio in.
  16. Contrary to what a number of YT'ers have reported, the power output from my AT-779UV was at or slightly above the rated power. I've had it since last June ('22) and it runs most every night as I drive out town after supper. I like the little bugger!
  17. This one might. Ya never know 'til ya try! I've done it on the "pig herder" repeaters.
  18. Why not just call the owner on his own repeater?
  19. I fourth that idea!
  20. Radios are like guns -- if you can count how many you have then you don't have enough!
  21. MichaelLAX, You should give him a 1x1x1 to solve! https://www.thecubicle.com/products/1x1-cube-19mm
  22. I didn't vote but I'd rather have a magnetic sign than a sticker, FWIW.
  23. 'Fitz. has it cooled off enough for ya? ?
  24. No list for what was s'posedly fixed. DB20-G is the same as AT-779UV.
  25. FWIW, my AT-779UV arrived with version 2.26 firmware. I still have the .zip file containing the 2.30 firmware and the associated .rar file containing the programs used to update your radio. I believe that 2.30 fixed most everything that NotARubicon mentioned in his video review. -Rusty-
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