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Posts posted by WRTF739

  1. Exactly I like the fact just plainly speak and not sound like on Adam 12. So far everything gmrs is thumbs up like see more repeaters in Orange County or open respecters in general. But I can see the problem just opening them up too for free use. A pretty pickle. 

  2. AWESOME! I love those videos one of the main motivations for getting licensed to begin with. Lately, 449.5...want motivations for videos to be amazed at what they talk over I'm guessing is the older 450ers that went to pasture. 450 is pretty much extinct now. I was just a little amazed repulsed Lil bit light-headed and nauseated all at the same time on how elaborate jarring farts would be from the types of food one would eat, to the types of the jar to how it would be done bre assed or clothed and was literary 30mins of brainstorming? if I had a way I would have taped it...nary a call sign was bequeathed sad rouge hams.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, WRTF739 said:


    the last word not an issue for me at all communication is all good if its good for something i just don't see how jarring farts is viable for profit maybe it is and im sure that stuff is all over the airwaves only just my experience to date haven't gotten to that here yet maybe i will or wont but one can hope.

  4. 1 hour ago, MichaelLAX said:

    You missed my point and I am having trouble trying to interpret your latest point.

    Ignore my comment about Jamming.

    My point was the 725 GMRS repeater in Los Angeles is full of much of what you complain about, but you point to "Hams" as the culprits; there is plenty of criticism to spread around about how licensed GMRS'ers also operate on the air.

    I'll let you have the last word on this topic.

    1 hour ago, MichaelLAX said:

    You missed my point and I am having trouble trying to interpret your latest point.

    Ignore my comment about Jamming.

    My point was the 725 GMRS repeater in Los Angeles is full of much of what you complain about, but you point to "Hams" as the culprits; there is plenty of criticism to spread around about how licensed GMRS'ers also operate on the air.

    I'll let you have the last word on this topic.

  5. 57 minutes ago, MichaelLAX said:

    You live in Santa Ana, so give a listen to the conversations on GMRS 725 (if the jamming has stopped), and then tell me why you point only to anecdotal complaints about Hams?!

    well that's my point its not the jammers at all dont thin i mentined anything about jammers they make sounds n stuff not really that bad its "licensed" ham operators that use superior intellect to jam by not unkeying?. other than that the jammers jamming seems less Jammie? they are everywhere but no one even needs to listen to then if they aren't supposed be txing but i digress it you or a family members are a hams? it matters in what way to a gmrs page? btw that its licensed hams qsoing jarring fart that was just one topic poop pee killing animals etc etc all ham operators. thats the point. 

  6. 15 hours ago, axorlov said:

    What a terrible world we live in. Some will talk about jarring farts, others will complain about some talking about jarring farts. After listening for 30 minutes. Where an honest man to go?

    I try to time it to see how long it could possibly go for amazes me every time just goes that lil bit more.

  7. 6 hours ago, MichaelLAX said:

    I stand by my original comment:

    "Those people..."

    Well the ones "adults" that have an extended 30min QSO on jarring farts. I use adults loosely in this case the brainiacs of the ham world and not necessarily ham stuff but knowing everything these are "adults" that talk in that way, I'm not 60-70yo maybe its usual...but unusual to hear.... I didn't even get into the whining about government or just crying about everything in general  and "they" don't offer any solution or at least any that require to get off the chair or out of the basement pretty amazing really... where here most the ppl just talk normalesque.

  8. On 6/13/2022 at 11:06 AM, MichaelLAX said:


    You can actually enjoy GMRS for your purposes without having to throw shade at Hams...

    nothing against hams at all personally just the culture they representing the radio is just the radio after all its some of the people that work it. 

  9. 22 hours ago, WRPC505 said:

    Welcome to GMRS; I think you'll like what it will do for you. I'm a long-time ham myself and I've seen what you've seen; I simply decided to ignore it all and just did what I wanted to do.

    Anyway, you'll find some good people here that will be happy to help you out if you have any questions. I'm still somewhat new myself, and I always defer to those who definitely have more experience.

    Looking forward to seeing you on the threads!

    Warren, WRPC505 / WQ1C

    Thanks Excellent advice thanks Warren


  10. 22 hours ago, Mikeam said:

    Welcome to this site, there is a lot of good information here and people willing to help. I am a novice my self and many have given me solid advice (not my preferred brand is better than the other brands) that has made the GMRS useful to me as a hobby. Enjoy!

    many thanks mike

  11. On 6/13/2022 at 8:10 PM, TNRonin said:

    He's speaking the truth, and being a veteran myself I understand and respect his plain speaking. I'm a ham myself, and came to GMRS because of the sad hams.

    Sent from my SM-T860 using Tapatalk

    And I guess seeing it from that perspective seems lil different. we had radio and nets in what like boot camp? So to get 60yo or 70yo grown men talking like well a baby on radio just makes me like to see more vets working to show that they can have a better way. 

  12. On 6/13/2022 at 8:10 PM, TNRonin said:

    He's speaking the truth, and being a veteran myself I understand and respect his plain speaking. I'm a ham myself, and came to GMRS because of the sad hams.

    Sent from my SM-T860 using Tapatalk

    Yeah i agree.... listened to hams for a gazillion years and always the same year after year they just move around to the different repeaters. The extra knowledge to me doesn't seem as special as full time hams make it out too be. First year solders know just as much as a tech or general in the basic radio stuff they get and well its just not that special and they come of as haughty and self righteous. Course all that than non sense is to be ignored is true but i think intelligently correcting might go further I think many years of doing nothing but ignoring empowers it but that's just my opinion...


  13. Checking in.... would like to get the whole Veteran Crew in on this a lot of Veterans are kind of put off by the recent moron tirades and the structure of ham radio today. I think the would be a great alternative and cure some of the boredom and help network shut-ins and give some alternative to networking with the crew. And then there is the testing of the tech lic well it really didn't hold any interest for me to read up on be honest kinda some boring reading.

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