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  1. I never have used gmrs for emergency, but Dad who is 80 years old has called on it for me to help him get deer out of the hollow more than once when I was hunting down the road from him through the years. Cell Phone has very Limited coverage on his farm so GMRS with a repeater covers it all. The one time he should have had it with him he did not and he broke his Tibia, he had to wait till some missed him to come looking for him. IF he had his radio with him it would not have been an issue. I ended up finding him setting on the trailer that was attached to the tractor. His broken leg would not let him operate the tractor so he was sitting on trailer till some one found him. I been thinking of putting a radio on the tractor it self because of that.
  2. I use it on the farm, hunting, Motorcycling and some times on the shooting range
  3. This is the cable I used with chirp to Program my numerous GMRS 9R https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XHSPJZ4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  4. I just got another black one and it had fm radio. I got off amazon from abbree. Mine seems to have good reception but the green one has the best reception.
  5. WRUA294 Sounds like you got one with out fm. What color was it?
  6. Just got another black one today and it has fm radio. I gave the other black one to my dad to use on the farm for the longer range than his frs radio.
  7. Both of my gmrs-9's were narrow band in the repeater channels, I changed them to wide as soon as I seen it. Question are using keypad or chirp?
  8. I got 2 baofeng gmrs-9r, one receives fm ( black one) the other does not (green one).
  9. Got mine last Saturday 10 years $35
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