Hello everyone. I'm brand new here. I thought I'd say something on this. Having been looking at this on Amazon myself too, I found the listings for this model is really messed up. One listing shows clearly a GMRS model and that supplies an FCCID. The other looks like a Ham model. Now that could just be the sellers listing is not what it should be or they have two models named KT8900D.
GMRS: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09G9NB4Z3/?coliid=I2GXLFFZ6I3BCK&colid=LU5K04JHK9AR&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it (FCCID: 2AV62KT-8900D)
FCCID: https://fccid.io/2AV62KT-8900D
And the manual provided to the FCC, clearly shows the frequencies as:
If what you purchased has the same FCCID, I'd say that's it's a GMRS model. Unless I'm reading the FCC website incorrectly, which is really possible. :-)
I too have been looking at this model to provide a cheap repeater either simplex or duplex for a ranch in Wyoming. The cost is right on the mark but I have yet to find out specifics on how to hook two together to have a GMRS repeater and NOT a cross band repeater and it seems like that's all people do with it. Anyway, it would be good to know if a strictly GMRS duplex repeater could be made from these cheap radios.
I would certainly love to build a repeater from Wouxun KG-1000G radios but that's a little bit above my price range at the moment.
Hope I didn't make too much of a fool of myself tonight. :)