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  • Name
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  • Location
    Montrose, PA
  • Interests
    Backpacking, photography, shooting, gardening, beekeeping, drone flying, dual-sport motorcycles, woodworking

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  1. All other things being equal (power output, antenna efficiency, location), MURS would go further under most circumstances. And would tend to have better penetration of foliage, walls, etc. We used to use low-band VHF because it worked better in our hills and valleys, but antennas were bigger, radios were more expensive. They switched to high-band VHF, which worked fine but required more tower sites (5) to have effective coverage. Then the state got the bright idea to bring in an 800 MHz system, they were up to over 95 sites in our county and still had poor coverage before they finally pulled the plug on the whole system.
  2. New to GMRS, but I've worked in radio communications most of my life. Got hooked into this by a "certain guy" that makes great videos. I wanted to be able to communicate with friends who will never get a ham license, so here I is. Bought handhelds for everybody, probably end up putting (another) mobile in the car. The War Department is thrilled that we'll now have comms when we're out camping and hiking, so I've got that going for me, which is good. ?
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