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  1. From what I can tell, it can be programmed around, I hope!!
  2. Yes, my plan is to make a few repeaters. So these would be used in pairs. I’ve made a few using the cdm radios using an Id-o-matic and some generic link cables from eBay on those but I’m not finding any available for the XPR radios.
  3. I have 14) XPR 4550 and 3) XPR 5550 radios that where pulled from a bus service. All are programmed for that service. Can these be programmed for GMRS repeater use? What cable would or could be used to link a pair of properly programmed radios? WQWY888 KA6GOU
  4. Just in case there might be a shred of truth about my baofengs, I built faraday box to keep them muffled.......
  5. local business service charged me $85 to do both. Did not work at all. I used a ebay "programmer" that sounded like he knew what I wanted but once he had them he had way more questions about repeater set up than I was capable of answering. That cost me $100 initially and he wanted another $15 for return shipping. I will send you a PM, Thanks !!
  6. I have had no luck sending to "local radio dealers" It has already cost me $200. Thanks for the input though!! I am wondering if anyone here is capable and willing to program these 1550's for repeater use, or if someone here knows of anyone with experience programming these radios for repeater use. Any input is welcome! Thank-you.
  7. Not sure if this is the right section to post, but is anyone capable of programming my 2 CDM 1500 ls radios to operate as a repeater? I have the duplexer, a tuned sinclair 6 pass and I have an ID omatic to interface. Just need the radios programmed correctly. Obviously, I am willing to pay for the service!!
  8. Awesome news! It can be done. WSS
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