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back4more70 last won the day on August 2 2023

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About back4more70

  • Birthday 06/29/1970

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  1. I can appreciate all of these questions, but does no one ever hire an electrician?
  2. My first GMRS HT was a Baofeng UV-9G. Not stellar, but the price was right and the radio is decent while I was learning. After I spent some time with it and learning not just its features but GMRS practice/theory/etc., I bought a Wouxun KV-935G Plus and have been very happy with that. As others have said, if you are looking to just have conversations with folks you don't know, that is more of a H.A.M. thing. However, if you will make or already have associates using GMRS, then have at it and enjoy!
  3. I've never ignored a new member that fast lol
  4. The statewide area code for Wyoming is 307. So, this agency thought 'let's advertise channel 3 with "privacy" code 07 to make it easy to remember.' Agree, if I was screwed, I would start with 50 watts, and then dial down lol Here's another link: https://hls.wyo.gov/307
  5. I heard the electromagnetic waves come sweepin' down the plain in Oklahoma.
  6. Here is my RA25 into a dummy load. I didn't chart the SWR but it was very acceptable across all bands.
  7. However, just dropping a link with zero context is not great forum etiquette.
  8. Keep in mind that it's GMRS, and no one cares about anyone else. You may have been heard reaching out, but it's a "bring your own friends" service.
  9. It looks the same as every other UV-5G variant, I doubt you missed anything. Baofengs are like cockroaches
  10. If the mag mount is not strong enough to hold, I would reason that adding a layer of rubber underneath it would make the problem worse, since it reduces the already weak hold. Is your roof made of aluminum?
  11. If you hold your radio up to a telephone while transmitting, your friend on the other end of the line will hear it
  12. I heard he is the only guy that Josh doesn't like
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