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Everything posted by WQOX597

  1. . Good points but let me add why I asked that question. As a longtime GMRS user (I have been reading the forum and following the website for well over a year) I was surprised that there wasn't a mechanism on mygmrs.com to allow searching for other local members. There isn't a profile entry in our accounts to voluntarily add our location that I am aware of or is searchable. I live in an area that has very few known repeaters but there are a lot of licensees. I thought mygmrs.com would be a good way to find other active users in my area and network with them. Once I put up my own repeater and listed it here several other local repeater owners (not listed on mygmrs.com) contacted me to let me know about their systems. I also received over a dozen contacts from users as well. As a consequence I started some side conversations with the owners regarding getting more users on our repeaters and possibly starting a network. All our repeaters are open, community-based systems and do not charge fees. [side note: I did suggest they list their repeaters here and anticipate that they will.] It may be different for other members but personally, being able to have a place to congregate with other local users/repeater owners has significant value. Things like sharing spare equipment, loaning test equipment, tower locations, etc. are all things that are useful at a local level. I understand that many GMRS repeaters are closed systems and are not looking for users but here in my area that appears to be the opposite. As mygmrs.com currently seems to be the preeminent online location for GMRS I thought it might be reasonable to add the local/regional component to it. I know in my case it would have stimulated postings from me a year ago when I was looking for local GMRS information. I participate in two forums that create regional boards based on requests for them hence the reason I made my request here. Since there are close to 20 other GMRS users/repeater owners in my area that I just met who are looking to have these conversations, I looked first at mygmrs.com as the place to do it. It may be possible that others are looking for the same feature now or in the future and this would stimulate more postings to this forum as a result. - Rob
  2. Are there any plans to create regional boards in this forum? I think it would be helpful for support and to have local discussions. I am from Massachusetts and some of us are just starting to get some repeaters on the air in the central part of the state. http://millburygmrs.blogspot.com/ - Rob
  3. WQOX597


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