I got my license this year. Wondering if someone can explain this difference for me. I can hear people talking on 462.550. I know this is channel 15 for simplex (taking radio to radio) but it's also repeater ch 1 output frequency.
How can you know if the people talking are using the repeater channel or simplex channel? If they're on the repeater and I don't have the tone, they won't hear me. If they're on simplex but too far away, they won't hear me. (If they're no fun at all, they'll hear me but act like they don't). How can I know which channel they're really on if I get no reply?
I understand that I would hear(Rx) them on both ch 15 & Rpt 1. What's the right channel to talk (Tx) back to them? If I do need a repeater tone, how would I know (or know which tone is needed)?
Any advice on this would be appreciated ?