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  1. My best advice for programming the TP154 is to plug a touch tone phone into the programming port on the back of the controller and use the phone keypad for programing. With the manual in front of you,write down the commands you need to program into it on a separate piece of paper and program in order the steps you have written down. Also the watch the led display on the front of the controller to see your progress. Don't do your initial programing via a dtmf radio. You can use the radio later for small things like turning PLs on or off(repeater knock down). The controller will id in 5 seconds every time the the repeater is brought up. There's no way to change that. Currently I am using a Zetron 38A controller. I have the TP154 on my spare repeater. Programing the TP154 is not to bad.
  2. Not sure if he knew. But he was selling cheap. A rack mount Bird watt meter with 2 slugs went for 25.00. A Zetron 38A went for 5.00. The 2 repeaters I got worked. I have them both programmed on GMRS. I could have used the Zetron. I dont care too much of the Connect systems TP154 that I am using. Its designed to id 5 sec after bringing up the repeater. The 5 sec timer will reset every time the repeater drops.
  3. I have it set right now at 55 watts going into my service monitor. I have to make up a extension cable to move the transmitter out of the rack so get to transmitter's rf output pot. All the repeater modules plug into the cage with db25 connectors. I paid $50.00 each for 2 repeaters. One 100 watt and a 25 watt repeater.
  4. I picked up DXradio/RF Tech uhf repeater. It has a 100 watt TPL repeater amp. The amp rating is 8-15 watts in,70-100 out. If I set it for 50 watts out will I have any issues like the amp putting out spurs and the like? Thanks
  5. I looked at the manual on your radio. Check to see if vox is turned off. Also try turning off tail elimination.
  6. The settings are RPT-RL is off and RP-STE is off. I think I turned STE (menu 35) off.
  7. On my Baofeng UV82 I had to turn off the 2 squelch tail eliminator settings to prevent tx to rx delay when I transmit into my repeater or on simplex. Mine would delay serveral seconds depending on the setting. The squelch tail eliminator on these china made radios don't work on the USA analog PL tone standard.
  8. Does anyone know how to program the scan on a CDM1250 via RSS? I cant seem to program it correctly. Thanks
  9. I called Vertex/Standard, Their tech told me program the repeater with a default file. I then reprogramed again with my freqs and it stopped transmitting the 3 beeps. I am now running a Connect systems TP154 tone panel. on it. The repeater is working great. My duplexer is a Db4072. I am also using 1/2 Heliax going to a Hustler G6 450-3 antenna.
  10. Hello, I have problem setting the cw ider on the repeater. I want set it to id after the first transmission and at 15 mins. But not when the repeater is at idle. It doesn't id at first TX. It ids every 15 mins even when the repeater is not being used. There is a setting in the programming software called repeater occ,What does that do? Also when you keyup the repeater for 30 sec it sends out 3 beeps. I'm not sure what that is. Thanks cdlale
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