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Everything posted by gdavis316

  2. Take a look at the baofeng uv82c and save some money. Watch the video of a different model being abusedhttps://youtu.be/https://youtu.be/kZCDBsBuhmg
  3. FCC rules require permission from the owner of the repeater prior to using it. He doesn't check his email very of, just give it some time.
  4. Hey Rich, Do you know what the new fee for a gmrs license will be when their system comes back online. I called yesterday, it said they should be open, but noone answered......guess they are on vacation early. I hear it will be $65. Glenn
  5. Dive in and have fun, but besides fun, you have a back up plan
  6. I had the same problem several months back, and ended up sending them back. The replacements worked great.
  7. Which reecom model?
  8. Kim, Welcome to the site. It's good to have another technical person on here who is willing to help us who don't have the knowledge. That is what it's all about. Glenn
  9. Welcome to the site William. If those units are not repeater capable, I would take them back and get a pair that are. I would then look for repeaters in your area, and request permission to use it. Then at least the little units will be of some use for you and your family. Glenn
  10. Hey steve, You can always try a better antenna, like the comet base that is for gmrs. Height is important, so can you get a tower and put it up higher? You can contact your local ham club and see if they have or know of someone who has a old business band uhf antenna not being used. (450-470), OR CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT AND SEE IF THEY HAVE AN OLD ONE THEY AREN'T USING. Try and find someone who may have a swr meter to check your signal......you should be talking farther than that even with the ed fong. Are you using mobiles, portables? In moving vehicle..... Glenn
  11. pastor Gary, Great looking antenna, thanks for the info. Glenn
  12. I have found a roof mounted 1/4 wave works just a good as anything i have used.....bigger is not always better. just my preference, and then no worries.
  13. Hey David, welcome to the group, "q" has some good repeaters down there, used them on a trip last summer. Tell him Glenn from SC says hello. I hope you have fun with gmrs, and good luck on your test
  14. 73's from south carolina and welcome aboard.
  15. we used the m1225 in boats for years and they always performed. i love the pm 400's since they come loaded with all the pl's. Great for gmrs. quaterwave, i've got a saber, sva or ava, and amp........thats what you need.
  16. Goodmorning, my wife and I have a small farm and we purchased a Motorola GR1225 and also got the comet gmrs base antenna. we get great coverage, and its our system. i mentioned in an earlier post that on ebay ucsmoto has a gr1225 for sale, he will program, tune, and has refurbished. it will be a plug and play unit, and he is a good seller. we like our system that cover 5-7 miles. i put another on the air that cover a couple of counties. also, for mobiles i got several pm-400's that are wide band. the reason, when you get hooked, you may want to get your ham ticket. these are good little radios. you will have to get someone to program them. there are several on sale on ebay. it will add up, but it is good to know you have reliable comms during any emergency.
  17. seller ucsmoto(350) unit has new pa, he will program and tune, and the band range is 450-470. looks like a good unit to me
  18. there is a GR1225 on ebay that is seller refurbed. He can program and tune. occassionally the power amp will fail, and i mean after years of service and lots of traffic. Sometimes at the pa its just a cold solder joint. mine have worked great. He wanted $350 or b/o.
  19. ebay always has something. i think there is a R100 for sale now. I have two GR1225 that work great. one with a small footprint for the farm, and one with a larger footprint on a commercial tower. A half duplex repeater is the way to go. q
  20. Thank goodness for old fashion antennas. in todays world, several could have "hooked up" with a combiner. i know! its all i had.
  21. well sir, looks like everything disappeared. fall is here, so i will start preparing for snowstorms.
  22. Thank you for the info. i will be monitoring.
  23. Pastor Gary, we are leaving Albuquerque headed back to columbia sc....looks like we will miss the remnents of a pacific storm, but the way the one is curling back around in the atlantic......my left knee is hurting, so i think that one may be a problem for the east coast. any long range discussion yet?
  24. well, how is it working for you, may be looking for a 897 D, if i can find one used. what are the pros and cons of the unit you got. Glenn
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