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Everything posted by gdavis316

  1. Amen, and pray for isreal, and the innocent people of palastine. I am always prepared with a six day get home bag since i travel all over the state.......with heavy emphesis on comms, and my best friend mr. G. Being a boy scout and mud marshall, i was always prepared, especially with food, since im still a growing boy. Oh, and lastly, let God sort the bad ones out.
  2. I've got two gr1225's in service. the only problem ive ever had was a cold solder connection. All of them do it a one time in their life. it didnt cost much to fix, and the shop charged me 85 for programming and tuning diplexer. The shop i use has a lot of these inservice as community repeaters. mine work great, keep it around 25-33 watts.
  3. I thought it was 180' before lights and the faa came into play. well just looked and its 200'. it won't let me copy text.
  4. Wow, he stepped into that one.
  5. Happy anniversary and welcome. Hopefully the experts will help you get going soon, just don't give up.......it will be a great back up once you get it working. I agree that the radios are too close while being tested. Glenn
  6. thanks pastor Gary, now to find the one for the saber models......my favorite w/t's
  7. Good old google. I found the saber, astro saber x, ntn1313c, and other numbers, but no pics or units fo sale.
  8. Does anyone have any idea what the name or model number of this unit was. When i was with dnr in the late 80's we got a few emergency radios that looked like a big lunch box with a telephone handset, built in battery underneath, and the antenna mounted on one end....any clue what it was? would love to have one in uhf. Glenn
  9. That's what i like about this site......i learn from yall. Thanks pastor Gary, and if you can delete the title......don't know what happened there, except long day, laying in bed posting from phone. it should read gmrs band opening. Thanks for all you do to keep things going. Glenn
  10. Thursday morning i was hearing some strange station id's, so i decided to give a few channels a try that had the travel tone. On 725 i id'd my station, and got a reply......it was from a station in jacksonville, Fla., the owner answered, and we had a nice conversation. Oh, i forgot to say i am in the upper midlands in SC. I then tried my buddies repeater in myrtle beach.......it was like i was looking at the tower it was so clear. Anyone else experience this yesterday? glenn
  11. Very nice, I need one. I will be my old tower down this week to fix two antennas, and I have to use my tractor with bucket. no fun! Enjoyed the video
  12. to the member in long Island, I was just testing th Ed Fong rool up. I have both models. I also have used his base antenna on gmrs at the house with great results. on the roll up, tonights test failed, but too much coax, to many connectors. at least my pully system on my fourty foot tower worked. How long is your extra coax for the ed fong........what size coax. i was try to talk simplex on uhf, and vhf. i could hear the other station at approx 12 miles using 40 watt mobile/base on both bands, but he couldn'hear me...too much loss. will try 25ft of 8x later. Glenn
  13. I installed a repeater on our farm last year on a 40ft tower, and added another on a different tower that covers two counties, and is listed on this site with with multiple pl's. I have not had any traffic, or any problems with any unauthorized use...........and i hope it stays that way.
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